King's Business - 1926-07


July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

422 Christian Arab notables in Palestine, on April 25, states a Jewish Tele­ graphic Agency dispatch. It was pointed out that there is no objection in the Moslem law to the wearing of hats and that the tarbush is not an Arab national headdress. Frau Pauline Gerininger, 75 years old, died recently in Vienna of starva­ tion. She saved on her food in order to leave as much as possible for char­ ity. She inhabited a famous castle that once belonged to the royal house. Her vast fortune of four milliards of crowns, being about $4,000,000, was equally divided among the Jewish and Gentile hospitals and orphan asylums o f the city. Here was Philanthropo- mania indeed! Plans for a British University in Jerusalem have been formulated, ac­ cording to an announcement published ■ in the Daily Mail of London, states the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The first step in this direction will be taken soon, according to the Daily Mail, by transferring the present English Col­ lege in Palestine to the buildings situ­ ated on the Mount of Olives. Fifty thousand pounds are to be expended on this project, according to the estimate. A town to be named “ New Jericho” is to be built to the south of Jericho, 900 feet below sea level, according to a statement made on March 3, in the “ Palestine,” the official organ of the Arab Executive. The future residents ¿Lfc. AHe* m M IUR readers will remember the story told not long ago in The King’s Business of the marvelous conversion of Vartan Atchinak from Bolshevism to. Christianity, which resulted in the founding of the Bible Lands Gospel Mission, with headquarters at Schwei- fat, Mt. Lebanon, Syria. This is strictly a “ Faith Mission,” supported entirely by the free will gifts of God’s people. It is absolutely true to the Bible, loyal to Jesus Christ and to the Old Book, and its message to the unsaved is “ Ye must be born again.” 1 Its aim is to evangelize the historic lands of Christianity by preparing and sending out native evangelists. The Lord is doing a most gracious work among the 270 boys and girls now in the Mt. Lebanon High School and Training Institute, as is. evidenced by the letters received from the mis­ sionaries. Lack of space prevents our giving these in full, but we quote from Mr. Llndberg, who with his devoted wife has been on the field now about a year. He says: Schweifat, Mount Lebanon, Syria. January 6, 1926. “ Our hearts are full of praise to God for His unchanging faithfulness and the partial answer to the prayers of past weeks.

. of the Bible Landa Gospel Mission, Lebanon« Syria

A Happy Group at tha Boya School Schwoifat« Mt.

crucified One!M We felt as though we had gone up above, or else that heaven had come down into our midst. “ It is wonderful how some of these boys have grown in the few weeks they have been saved. I meet with the saved boys alone twice a week for spe­ cial instruction and for mutual en­ couragement. These meetings have been happy love-feasts. “ Yesterday in Mrs. Lindberg’s Scrip­ ture Class one of the boys, Kamil, said, ‘I want to ask Jesus to forgive my sins,’ and came to our house this afternoon. What a joy it was to have him come and in simple childlike faith give himself to Christ; but best of all, he brought with him three boys who wanted to be saved, too. After he had prayed, and testified that his sins were washed away in Jesus* blood, the other three boys prayed for salvation and were very happy. They agreed to give their testimony publicly in the meet­ ing for the Armenians, which followed immediately, conducted by Brother Artin in the Turkish language. Their testimony seemed to cut things loose for the Armenians. As it ended, two men raised their hands for prayer. A young lady from outside was saved, also one of our orphan girls, whose words as well as life show that she has found her Saviour, who satisfies her heart. “ Praise God! On Monday in Miss Fenderson’s class there were several girls who were seeking salvation, and on Tuesday another of the boys in Mrs. Lindberg’s class accepted Jesus as his Saviour. There are many more who seem to be not far from the King­ dom of God.” Those who would like to have fel­ lowship with this blessed work, either by their prayers or gifts, may receive fttFther information by writing to The Bible Lands Gqspel Mission, 113 Ful­ ton Street, New York City, or 128 S. Boylston Street, Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia.

of the town, the paper says, are to obtain from one to three dunams of land each. The Government is to pro­ vide water for the town from the neighboring springs, states a report to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. There are no Jews in the whole district. AU*. m “ We noticed in the days immedi­ ately following Christmas that the children’s enjoyment of morning and evening worship was increasing. On Tuesday evening Thaddeus and Adib (Thaddeus is an Armenian orphan whose parents were slain by the Turks; Adib is a Syrian boy, his par­ ents belonging to the Roman Catholic Church) came to us for books to read, and as Adib did not know English well we gave him a book of Bible stories in simple language. N e x t morning he and his cousin, Ibrahim, returned to say that Adib knew all those stories and wanted something that would tell him how to be saved, and before they left the house both boys had yielded their hearts to Jesus and prayed for His cleansing blood to be applied to their lives. They were beautifully saved and began at once to pray and testify with joy. On New Year’s Eve we had a blessed Sleeting. It was a delight to see the shining faces of those who were saved, and it was music to our ears to hear their joyful testimonies. That evening Evelyn Trad prayed for forgiveness and thanked God for salvation. It was heart-warming to see the efforts of Ibrahim and Adib to get others to yield to Christ. "On New Year’s night Faris and Vic­ tor stood up to say they wanted sal­ vation and then prayed for forgive­ ness. I wish you could have seen that happy group standing with uplifted hands while they sang with all their might, “ Saved by the blood of the




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