King's Business - 1926-07

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K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1926


> B E S T B O O K S Any book reviewed or advertised in the columns of The King’s Business may be obtained at Biola Book Room, 588-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

BIBLES A Treasure House of Biblical Information

already looking for the Lord’s return to a firmer hope and a clearer vision. If this desire be realized, then shall all praise be given to Him for whose coming the Church is waiting.” (Mar­ shall Bros. (2/6 net) $1.00 Evolution in a Nutshell, by Alvin Sylvester Zerbe, Ph.D., D.D., Central Theological Seminary, Dayton, ■Ohio. Here is a book of 116 pages with quo­ tations from 16fl$«uthors and covering 160 subjects, in concise, practical terms, which every minister and Bible student should purchase and read. The introduction styles it "A Book for Busy but Inquiring Men and Women” which “ aims to present within the low­ est possible limits consistent with clearness the arguments pro and con (regarding evolution) dispassionately and in accord with ascertained facts. It is prepared by one who, having stu­ died in the chief universities of this country and of Europe, and having taught, written and lectured many years on the subject, is presumably qualified to reflect the latest and ma- turest scientific thought.” (Laird & Lee, Chicago) $1.00 Christ Supreme, by Dr. Arthur H. Carter, Hounslow, England. Dr. Car­ ter was the Organizing Secretary of the Bible League of England, editor of The Bible Witness, and author of many books. In the foreword to this little volume, Dr. Carter says: “ In view of the perplexity existing in many minds concerning the all-important theme of the Deity of Christ,- the au­ thor has been constrained to publish this little work, believing; that the truths contained therein, being based upon the Word of God, may prove a means of blessing to many.” (B.’ I. Colportage Ass’n) Art stock covers, 30c; Cloth 75c The Power-Full Christian, by the author of “ How to Live the Vic­ torious Life” and other books of de­ votional character, under the cogno­ men “ The Unknown Christian.” He says: “ The author feels strangely drawn to add yet another book to those already named. He would like to be allowed the great privilege of speaking about ‘The Love of God shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit’ (Rom. 5 :5 ). May he be per­ mitted to ask every reader of these pages to offer up at least one prayer that the writer may be guided to speak of Christ’s love manifested in the be­ liever with such clearness and sim­ plicity that very many may be enabled to lèarn the secret by which God’s love may be perfected in them.” (1 John 4:12) (Marshall B ros.r (2/6 net) $ 1.00 Helps for Dally Vacation Bible Schools. Two volumes of real value to those conducting the Daily Vacation Bible Schools for little people, and for those who love children and seek to get a grip upon their hearts while they

Why I Believe in Jesus, by Edward Leigh Pell. Mr. Pell is the author of many helpful books. "This production is of special value in these troublous days of doubt, for the writer has been a student of the Bible and of experi­ ence for forty years and has come safe­ ly through ail the confusion, perplex­ ities and trials of faith which harass and burden so many people today.” (Revell) $1.50 1000 Subjects for Speakers and Stu­ dents, by Hy. Pickering, noted author and publisher. Gathered from seventy five other writers, including many of the best Bible teachers, aB well as from his ownl “ basket,” the author has given to preachers and teachers one thousand helps, including a variety of themes. It should be in the library of every preacher and teacher. (Pick­ ering & Inglis) ( 2 / net)' 75c Chats with Children, by Amy Le Feuvre. The author has written many books for young people and has in this last book produced something orig­ inal, unusual and unique. Interesting stories illustrate each “ chat.” There are colored pictures and a Biblical key. There are pictures to paint and a key to these also. There are Bible quotations and key. A splendid book for the home and spiritually helpful. (Pickering & Inglis) (2/6) $1.00 The Local Church, Its Present and Future, by Frederick A. Agar, Secre­ tary of Stewardship and Efficiency, Northern Baptist Convention. Every church worker will find that, in many particulars, Dr. Agar gives a true pic­ ture of his own church. He writes from the experiences of thousands of churches. His arguments are convinc­ ing, as well as clearly expressed. Pas­ tors, church officers and church work­ ers will find unusual help and sugges­ tions here. (Revell) $1.00 The Church and the Coming King, by Rev. Canon F. J. Horsefleld, D.D., author of “ The Return of the King,” “ Parables of the Second Coming,” etc. The author says: “ These pages were written in order that they may, by the blessing of God, lead those who are

The helps will illuminate every page of the Sacred Text and impart fifid interest and joy to your study of the Scriptures. These helps take the place of m a n y books about the Bible. Conveniently ar­ ranged in alphabetical orderf with many full-page illustrations and fifteen beauti­ fully colored maps. BLACK-FACED TYPE EDITION Size 7 % x5x I% inches

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No. 04451—Moroccoette, over­ lapping covers, round corners ana red «under gold edges $3.50 No. 04453—F r e n c b Morocco Leather, overlapping covers, round corners and red under gold edges .......______ $4.35 No. 05453— Same as No. 04453, with the words of Jesus Christ printed in red .................. $6.25 Oxford India Paper Edition Same as No. 04453. but print­ ed on Oxford India paper and only one inch thick. No. 0773x—French M o r o c c o Leather, overlapping covers, round corners, red under gold edges, headbands and book­ mark _______ $7.75 SELF-PRONOUNCING EDITION All proper names and difficult words divided into syllables and acoented so they may be cor­ rectly pronounced. Sizes 8%x 5 % x I% inches.

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“ The fine contents o f The King’s Business are calculated to stimulate the heart and mind, and refresh the soul of those who believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word o f Cod. How wonderful it is to go back to the older files and read the words o f men who have since passed away, and glory that they have gone home to God.”— This old friend in Texas is but one o f many who retain their K . B . for frequent reference.

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