T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1926
“ He that believeth hath everlasting life and shall never come into) the judgment, but is passed out of death into life.” But how can we be so confident that this promise will be fulfilled and at the same time carry within our own hearts doubt and unbelief when He says: “ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid.” He has cheer and comfort for us at all times, wny should we be so restless! Why so unhappy! Why so dependent upon what we can see! Why not a greater faith—a sight that perceives the unseen! Why not give back to Christ, from our hearts, the warmth and v«-* blessing of l o v e
CHEER AND COMFORT FROM CHRIST No human words have ever brought such cheer and comfort to the hearts of men as have those which were spoken by our Lord that last night of His earthly life. Alone with His loved ones—those hardy fellows who had journeyed along the pilgrim path with Him,— with the shadow of the cross and its cruel torture con fronting Him; girded with a towel, He washed their feet, broke bread with them, and then gave to them His farewell message. Perhaps in all the Book so loved by believers, no word has brought such consolation and so cheered us on in our Christian _____
which He so gra ciously b e s t o w s upon us! Christ longs to cheer and comfort His dear ones, but there is only one way of access for H im i n t o o u r hearts. He comes with His soothing, loving words, but unbelief has closed the door. He stands and knocks. I f we open the door, by faith, in He comes a n d w e h a v e blessed fellowship with Him. See how He has emphasized t h i s fact in the twenty- seven verses of this fourteenth chapter o f John: “ I go to pre pare” ; “ I c o m e again” ; “ I am the Way” ; “ I am the Truth” ; “ I am the
s e r v i c e with its trials, temptations, joys and sorrows, as these: “L e t not y o u r heart be troubled; ye believe In God, believe also in me. • * • I go to prepare a place for yon. • • • I will come a g a i n and receive yon unto myself.” He read t h e i r hearts. He knew the question mark in their thoughts. He loved them; oh, h o w He l o v e d them! He was soon to part from them. How they w o u l d m i s s Him! How Satan would attack them and seek to destroy their faith in Him! What is it that creates f e a r a n d u n r e s t in t h e human heart! Why should a follower of Christ be uneasy
DWELL DEEP In the depths of ocean’s caves, far away from sight or sound Of its restless throb and fret, there are treasures to be found; Noble mountains rear their heads; at their feet the mosses creep; I f their beauties you would scan, you must Dwell deep! So in God’s most wondrous plan ever this must be the sign, If you would the fulness know of the mystenr divine— Life in death, and death in life ; peace amid life’s storms to keep; This the secret—learn it well—you must Dwell deep! Care and trial, stripes and pain, are the ropes that let us down;«' But our Father holds them well, and His peace our lives will crown; Worldlings take the surface show, then but dust and ashes reap; Would you win life’s purest joys? You must Dwell deep! Do you wonder, heart opprest, where He dwelleth? Come with me; In that quiet meeting place thy El-Shaddai waiteth thee; * Rest in Him; He will not fail, while earth’s shadows round you , creep, His Almightiness to prove if you Dwell deep! — M a y A g n e w S t e p h e n s .
„ „ t I have been a long time with you” ; “ He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father” ; “ I and the Father are one” ; “ He that believeth on Me” ; “ Ask in My Name” ; “ I will pray the Father” ; “ Ye see Me” ; “ I live.” Faith is the antidote for all trials and troubles. Faith appropriates His Word, absorbs it and is blessed by it. ' . Faith is the mainspring of our Christian life. Faith must grapple the anchor of the Word and rest upon it. The Father is real. Christ is real. The Spirit is real. Heaven is real. Salvation is real. The promise of Christ’s coming is real. Fellowship with Him is real. He wants us to make it all real and open wide our hearts to His cheer and comfort, all the days, until the DAY OF DAYS comes. L ife” ; “
fearful, questioning! Because faith is wavering. Faith in whom! In Jesus Christ, in His power, in His purpose. . . . . . . . Nothing hurts any of us so much as a lack of faitn in our friends concerning our sincerity, our truthful ness, our loyalty. Then how must His great heartsuf- fer when He detects in us a lack of confidence m Him! “ Believe me” He says td us; “ I am God. I am all powerful. I loved you and I love you. I died for you No good thing will I withhold from you. I am seeking your best interests. I have great plans for your life. Why will you not believe Me! Why will you hurt My heart with your doubts, your questionings, your unbelief!” . . . * / _ When we deal with some unbeliever, we quote (or read) His promises. We tell them that the Word says:
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