King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


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to any who will take advantage of this opportunity. There are differences of. . opinion about Revelation, but wo are sure you will not go f&r astray in the use of this book. (Paper) God’s Way of Holiness, by Horatius Bonar, D.D. A recent reprint of a book which had a very large circulationin former years. The preface says: The way of peace and the way of holiness lie side by side; or, rather, they are one That which bestows the peace imparts the holiness; and he who takes one of these takes the other also. The Spirit of peace is the Spirit of holiness. The God of peace is the God of holiness.” A book well worth reading and following. Contains as much matter as many books which sell for $1.60. (Northern Gospel Mis­ sion, Virginia, Minn.) Paper 20c Biblical Work» by Grant Stroh The Next Worid-CrUle __ . „ 'Coining event» In the light of history......................* ’ Gad’s World-Program 1 The Divine program and the agents and agencies working for It» accomplishment ................................ ,,ou H The portrayal of Christ’ s glory In the past, present ^ and future ................................................................................. Hit Church Not the history, but the true character of the Church ................................................................................. Gabriel end Michael: Angela The prophet and the prince of angels in their relation to Israel .......................................■•••• '; ■ ; •' Special Offer No. I. *2.90 Instead of *3.00 for the SpeelaT Offer No. 2.' A choice of any one of the lest throe If either of the first two Is ordered. In ordering, please mention this special offer The BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASS’N 810 North La Salle S»., - ' - Chicago, IN PROPHECY and in his booklet, "The Nutshell of Prophecy." James H. McConkey has shown with "amazing con­ ciseness and clearness," as a devotional writer says, "how the prophet Daniel, 500 years B. C.. outlined the entire courso of human government to its end, including the bringing in of the Golden A ge." Sent absolutely free. Address SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY Dept. M, Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 0 0 # P R O F IT For Your Church Organization (OTTSCHUK’S METAL SPONCE The Handy Household Helper Write for full Information JOHN W. GOTTSCHALK MFC. CO. Dept. K. B. Lehigh Avenue and Mascher Street Philadelphia WORLD HISTORY PRE-WRITTEN

are young for the Lord Jesus. (Pres­ byterian Board of Christian Educa­ tion) (1) (Learning God’s Program lor the Primary Department, by Caroline Dudley, edited by John T. Paris, D.D. Materials and suggestions for using in the effort to build into the lives of the children the principles of good will, reverence, courage, etc., that will help them to make home happy. A five weeks* c o u r s e , carefully planned, with a fund of further suggested ma­ terial to draw upon. $1.76 (2) Stories from the Great Library, by Arthur Henry Limouze, with a Pro­ gram of Projects for Boys and Girls, arranged by George T. Arnold, D.D. Edited by John T. Faris, D.D. The pro­ gram is planned with much care and is founded upon a Biblical basis. All necessary advice is given for the or­ ganization of the classes and the teach­ ing material is carefully and wisely ar­ ranged. This plan affords opportunity to reach many children who never at­ tend Sunday School. Mothers who give any attention to the careful training of their children will find in these books ample help for use in the home. $1.50 BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS The Crowing of the Cock, or the Voice of Conscience, by Arthur C. Zepp. This booklet records concise and vivid illustrations of the opera­ tion of the voice of conscience— the ally of God— in calling men to Him­ self; proving even in the general for­ getfulness of God in this day that He, as in all former generations, has not ¡eft Himself without witness. (Mod­ ern Theses Pub. Co., Mountain Lake Park, Md.) p. S, Arnot, the African Missionary Explorer, by James J. Elliss, author of “ Messages of Christ.” A story of real missionary life in the exploration of Central Africa. Mr. Arnot was an apostolic missionary and upon his re­ turn to England after seven and a half years he found himself a hero, was honored by the Royal Geographic So­ ciety and classed with Livingstone. This book should be in every mission­ ary library. (Pickering & Inglis) (1 / net) 60c The Toadstool Among the Tombs, and Puddle to Paradise, by B. H. Shad- duck, Ph.D., author of “ Jocko-Homo Heavenbound.” Two splendid little booklets, in refutation of evolution, the arguments being illustrated by cartoons which carry conviction. The author uses the weapon of humor and satire most ef­ fectively in meeting the specious claims of^-the "scientists.” We heart ily commend them. Buy them and dis tribute among your friends. (Jocko Homo Pub. Co., Rogers, O.) 20c The Revelation of Jesus Christ Studies by Samuel M. Miller, Dean of the Lutheran Bible Institute, St. Paul, Minn. The Book of Revelation is the last book in the Bible and, for some reasons, the last book that people seek to read or study. Here is, a book out lined for study under twelve lessons The method suggested is simple and practical, and will be of great service

In what book of the Bible the Sermon on the Mount appears? Who commanded the Sun and Moon to stand still? Who was the first King of Israel?

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