T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1926
THE CONFESSIONS OF A LAWYER’S WIFE (Continued from page 390)
a w e e k
ing, thinking maybe I could win my hus band back. He said to me, “Why can’t you be the kind of Christian you used to be?” But I said, “ I wasn’t a Chris tian then; only a church member. Jesus wasn’t real to me then.” He replied, “You are too good for me; I cannot be lieve you can lore any one like me.” But I assured him I did. He said no more, but sat in deep thought for a long while, and finally got up, saying as he did so, “No use. The standard is too high.” Evidently he was under deep conviction, and to take the narrow way meant a good deal, and he could not pay the price. As I thought of what he had said, I wondered if I should let down, oh, Just a little, and not be quite so strict about how I spent my time. How subtle the enemy was! He suggested I need not give it all up; I simply need not be quite so particular to get the Lord’s will in everything. I had come to the forks of the road where I had to decide whether I should go back or go on with the Lord. Of course the enemy tried to make me believe if I lowered the stand ard of living, I could get him back. Finally, the Lord seemed to say to me,. “Will you go on with Me, or will you go back to please your husband?” I knew I had to make the choice, and I was trying to think what I ought to do. - 1 seemed to sense the fact that I would have to face the world and make my living. I had never done it, and did not know how, and then there was my son to educate. How could I do it? The life of Madam Guyon was a great help to me, for I reasoned that if she could go through what she did, I cer tainly could go through my sorrow, and I would say, "The cup that my Father has given me, shall I not drink it? The promise that all things work to gether for good was very real to me because I had confidence in Him who had said it. I couldn't see how, but I have lived to see many good things dome out of it. This was especially true in reference to my son, then about thirteen years old, for when it was all over, and we were forced to get out and make our living, with only a small sum of money to start with, he felt the responsibility and had to get under the burden. It was hard, but it made character. He is now a man of integrity and honor. He has never smoked a cigarette, used liquor nor visited poolrooms, nor has he ever learned to dance. Out of the money that had been given him. he had saved $10 for the purpose of learning to dance, but while he was
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