King's Business - 1926-07


July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


by. It was just a new place, with no streets laid out and adobe land. For­ tunately for me, I had never had any experience with that kind of soil, x>r I would not have had the courage to set­ tle there. After making a payment down, we went back to the pastor’s house. That evening a party called to see the pastor about some matters, and incidentally remarked he was going to sell his furniture. I needed enough to keep house with, and he said I might have it for one dollar more than the second-hand man offered him. Thus I did not have to go to the store to buy a single thing. This was indeed a help, for being so far from the car line I would have had to make many trips. There was no other place that could so well have answered my purpose. If I had been one day later, I would not have gotten it, for another party came the next day with the money to buy it. In fact, two parties had decided to take it. It 'was quite a come down for me, but some way or other I did not feel it. To me it was home. I had more company than I had ever had before in my life. It seemed that all my old friends, peo­ ple of wealth and position, came to town and looked me up. I did not feel the humiliation of it then. Years after- PRAYER HELPERS WANTED/

and promised to be out the next day at noon. It seemed impossible to get my things ready to ship, and I wondered where I could stay until I was prepared to go. As I stepped out on to the porch my neighbor across the way came out of her yard, and I told her my predica­ ment, She said, “My furnished house lias become vacant, and you can come over here and stay without charge until you are ready to go." We were able to get our things into the barn, which the new tenantB were not going to use, and to get the hous^ «leaned up by noon. In a few days we(were ready to start. A friend’s husband, secured' an express- man, and when I went to pay him for his services he said, “ I am glad to do it for you for nothing.” We safely arrived at our destination, going to a former pastor’s house until I could find a place to locate, he having a basement 'where I might store my things when they came,. if necessary. We started out the next day to look for a place to live, and the only place I could find that my money would buy was about a mile from the car line, and had only a small shack, 14x18 feet, on it. The neighborhood was good, however, as Christian people were settling there on account of a Christian school near

downtown, in the providence of God, bis pocket was picked and the $10 lost. As he would not take my money he did not learn. Soon afterward he saw the evil of dancing, and had no desire to learn. He is now a teacher in a high school, and a great comfort to me, which he might not have been if I hadn’t kept in God’s will. I praise Him for every trial and the great sorrow! Gratitude springs up in my heart for the way of the cross. Stepping Out on God’s Promises When the time came to leave the town in which I had suffered so much, I had thought I might go to the foreign field, but as I laid the matter before the Lord, having no choice of my own, He decided it for me. I did not know how I was to make my living in the new place to which I was going, as I never had had to face the world alone before. It looked too big, but God gave courage, and I stepped out, not knowing how I was going to make it. I sold my household furniture *affid promised the party to whom I sold it that I would stay until I rented the house for her, thinking I would probably have a few days at least to finish packing and get other matters straightened out, but I rented it the first day, about nine o’clock at night,

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lists Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Also at 2084 Kirkwood Avenue Pasadena, Cal. London E. C. 4, England SPECIAL NOTE: This Mission is free from Modernism. Every Missionary and all Members of its Councils are required to sign a clearly defined Doctrinal Basis every year. Send address for literature. Paternoster Building


The North East India General Mission, Inc., 1213 Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Enclosed please find $ through your Mission.

for the Lord’s work

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This tribe is still without the Gospel, S d y i n g w u n ou i n a v i n g w n ce » c a m u i uui u w i u s® 0 □ Christ and His love. “Carest thou not that we perish?

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