T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1926
TWoGreat Books that fill the Music N m h o f Every Church. Bible School or Revival They will bringyounew inspiration and fresh courage. Song leaders pronounce them nearly perfect.
wards I was thinking of the different ones that had come that year, and for a few minutes I felt so humiliated, and I realized then that only His grace had kept me above it all in those days. Now, after I had pitched a tent to help out as a sleeping room, and got settled, I looked about to see how I was going to make a living. I was sure Ood had led me there, but how was I going to make a living? As there was no op portunity for the kind of work I had in mind, I finally concluded that when school opened I might sell things that the students would need. So I screened off the front part of my place, bought a showcase, my son made a counter, and I opened up shop. I fried dough nuts and my son peddled them, but it was not enough, so upon the suggestion of a friend, I bought a Jersey heifer. Neither my son nor I had learned to milk, but I thought my son could man age. He did, and we sold all the milk, and could have sold more. My place leaked very badly, so much so that I had to put pans on the bed to catch the water. I had a place made between the tent and the shack for a little kitchen, and one stormy day the whole side blew out. We got out with hammer and nails, and while I held the umbrella, my son repaired the house. I decided one winter of that kind was enough. Surely the Lord would have me live in a better house before1another winter. (Surely God will not forsake His child, who has so Implicitly trusted Him. Read the August King's Business for the out come.) jit. m MY PLATFORM “Blessed is the man whom thou chas- tenest, O Lord, and teachest him out of thy law, that thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity.” Psa. 94:13. (The author of this "platform” is eighty-seven years young, a valued member of The King's Business Family, and still active In defending the faith once for all delivered. We are sure that the record of his experience of the good ness of God during his long life will help many another pilgrim to take heart and go forward, in the assurance that "He doeth all things well.” ) To teach a lesson for my good, my lov ing Father, God, Hath disciplined and placed me under neath His chastening rod. Now no chastening for the present seem- eth Joyous, nevertheless, Afterward It surely yieldeth the peaceful fruits of righteousness. As the Psalmist saith of affliction, so also my soul can say. It fg good to be afflicted that 1 might learn His way. God's precious Word has taught me, that I have been freed from sin, Because my Saviour died for me, and I m crucified with Him. And yet I live, and yet not I, but it is Christ in me, ' . Whose agony and precious blood, shed on the cross, hath set me free.
And I surrender to Him, who in His Word hath said to me, 'Cast thy burden on the Lord, and He will surely comfort thee.” So I’m In my Father’s hands, and in this am confident. That with whatever comes to me, 1 11 ever be content. Yoked up with Christ, I’ll strive to do what He would have me do. For He's my strength and my Redeemer and will ever keep me true. He has said, "Abide in Me; ask Me any thing you will, I have given you my promise, your peti tion to fulfill.’’ In the Bible He has told us, ’tls not works or goodly deeds. But His boundless grace alone supplies our many, many needs. For long years mine eyes were blinded, but now, praise God, I see That His free, abounding grace, all suf ficient, Is for me. By the grace of God my Saviour, I can say that now I am Guided by the loving Shepherd, a saved and grateful man. Assured the Holy Spirit in my heart by faith doth dwell, Giving peace and consolation far beyond my tongue to tell. He makes Intercession for me and incites my true desires. Yes, and every right ambition His holy zeal Inspires. Jehovah, Father, Spirit, Son,—myster-. ious Godhead, Three in One, Be Thou my Guardian, Thou my Guide; o’er every thought and step preside. My seven and eighty years with love and mercy have been fraught, Though I have not always served my faithful Master as I ought. With length of life He satisfies and shows me His salvation. And therefore by His grace and strength I’ll show my appreciation. Since earth and its attractions can never claim my love, » . I’ll gladly go to be with Christ and dear ones gone above. Columbus, Ohio. — John D. Shannon.
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