July 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 404)
and can be carried to homes and can be used of God in a wonderful way in bringing the message to those of the Jewish people who under no conditions would come to a Christian meeting. With thiB model of the tabernacle we have a most excellent opportunity of beginning as it were, "At the same Scripture and preaching unto them Jesus." Pray, dear reader, that God may use ub in this way to reach souls. If any of the readers of The King’s Business will write to the Jewish De partment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for one of the prayer-sheets of the department we shall be glad to send one each week. m SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claud* H. Pearson, Supt.—^ )ur workers board all vessels in tha port of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature. "If any of you lack wisdom 1st him ask of God.” In fourteen years to visit our harbor. Most of our work Is among the Merch ant Marine vessels, but whenever a for eign cruiser visits our harbor we en deavor to reach their men. We love our work among merchant sailors, but there is always a tug at our hearts when thinking of enlisted men afloat. It was as an enlisted man In our own navy that we enjoyed much close fel lowship with our Lord and proved over and over again the truth of His Word. We know what It is to live among men who are continually blaspheming His Holy Name. We know of the filthy communications ever flowing from sin- bound lads. Yes, we know the dark side; and praise God, we know of the bright side. He Is faithful; He never leaves nor forsakes His own. We can do all things through Christ which strengthened us. We anxiously awaited the coming of our German boys. What sprt of a re ception Would they give us? Would they want the Gospel? How long would their ship stay? Would it be possible to have any meetings? All these and dozens of other questions and problems confronted us. Immediately a wireless is sent to heaven asking for wisdom and for prayer helpers. Letters are posted and appeals made to our co-workers. The battle Is half won; we are encouraged on every band. The day of arrival is here; the town shakes as the customary naval salutes are given, and the fort also is saluted. We visit the assistant commanding officer, who acts as pastor, and he treats us royally. The devil has been busy through his social organizations in plan ning entertainment every day lor the men, but, though there Is no opportunity for a meeting, we are granted permls- FEW weeks ago our attention was called through one of the local newspapers to the com ing of a German Naval Train ing Ship. This is the first one
have been opened and Gospel literature has been given. In many places where doors were slammed against the worker, now a cordial welcome greets them, for which change of attitude we praise God. Classes The classes among the Jewish Chil dren which are conducted by Miss Ceder- lund are very encouraging lately. Many new faces are seen and there seems to be an eagerness on the part of many to learn more and more of the message. At these classes the lantern is used to illustrate the Biblical scenes. Recently several little Jewish girls have con fessed their faith in Jesus as their prom ised Messiah. Boys’ Club In the heart of the Jewish section we have just opened a Boys’ Club, which is to be known as the "Knights of Honor,” and which is led by Mr. Wil liam Graves. At the first meeting forty- two boys were present. At this meeting the lantern was used and great interest was manifested on the part of the boys. It was indeed surprising to see with what silence and interest they drank in the message. Reader, as you read this item pray earnestly to God that He may bless this work among the coming generation of Jewish people. Cottage Meetings In the last month we have received many calls to give Bible talks and to illustrate them with our lantern and slides. We do not have the time, be cause of our nights being occupied, to answer all of these calls. These cot tage meetings are one of the most effec tive and best ways .of presenting the Gospel to the Jewish people. Model of the Tabernacle Mr. Young, Superintendent of the Sun day School of the Church of the Open Door, has given us a very fine model of the Tabernacle with all of Its fur nishings. This Tabernacle is portable TEACHER! PARENT! YOU OUGHT TO KNOW!
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