King's Business - 1926-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1926

their hands and lockers about the vessel. The voyage will be a long one and we know before they arrive home God’s Word will be used for His own glory. Some of the boys testified to intellectual knowledge of the Bible, and it was our privilege to point them to the necessity of a new birth and practical faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour. Thank God for such an opportunity for our prayer helpers and givers who helped buy the literature. God is just, God is righteous, God will reward those who have prayed, those who have work­ ed and those who have given even a cup of cold water in His name. Let us follow this seed sowing with fervent believing prayer. We are expecting an­ other one of these vessels in the near future. Let us claim the victory now. Don’t blame Providence for all your failures. Lay some of them to your own faults. Happiness does not depend upon what happens, but upon the hold the heart has upon truth. It is not what you possess, but what possesses you; it is not what your means are, but what you mean to do with them. m GOING STRONG When college men by the hundreds take up jazz as a business there must be some faith in its staying powers. Six or seven years ago the highbrows promised that jazz should be short­ lived. We are not at all sure that it has yet reached its flood. Anyhow, it is still going strong. The college boys that learn to murder Mendels­ sohn on two different instruments are now making more money in a month than the professor of Greek makes in a year. It looks like a jazzy world.— L. A. Times.

sion to ▼isit the men and present any amount of gospels, tracts, and books we desire to use. Now for a helper, and God did not fail us. A German brother, just a child in the faith, comes to assist. We could pen an interesting account of how won- drously God arranged the very day for him to be free from his work. We visited the vessel early, but before leav­ ing we saw painted lips, short skirts, and rolled socked feminines sipping beer and smoking cigarettes trying to entertain the excited boys. (We do not mean to give the impression that all visitors indulged in such entertain­ ment.) Oh, how shallow is the devil’s refresh­ ment. We stopped to talk with some of the boys as we placed tracts, gospels and books in their own language in Sometimes a label is a mere libel. A genius is a man who has never made good. What makes us nervous is the nerve of some people. —o— If money talks, what does it usually say? “Bill, please!” If you know your own business, other people will know you. Consideration of others often compels contemplation of ourselves. It is not what possessions have you, but what possesses you? Before you measure other people’s faults, try the tape on your own. There is one thing we can bank upon, —the poor will always be with us. Many a lamb-like Mary will get a sheepskin at Commencement time. , The top is a pretty safe place, for there are few who climb that high. Too often the things we think we want, when possessed, fail to fill the bill. If a man is looking for work, he should look and act like a working man. What interests most people is the in­ terest they can get out of their money. It is remarkable that when a Jury is hung, there is so little excitement about it. The real career of a woman is made clear when she marries and manages a man. With most of us, excessive modesty prevents us from confession of our faults.

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Issued at Regular Intervale— 8 Volumes a Year NOW OUT— New Testament, Vol. I. (Matthew) New Testament, Vol. II. (Matthew) Old Testament, Vol. 1. (Genesis) PRICE, Cloth Binding, $1.00 (Mailing 15 cents extra) Paper Binding, 50 cents (Mailing 10 cents extra)


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