King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926


K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THERE ARE A CERTAIN FEW "BEST” BOOKS That every Christian should read at least once a year— and — These wc They The Christian1* Secret of a Happy Life With Christ in the School of Prayer By Andrew Murray

Evolution : Unscientific, Unscriptural, Anti-Christian ! (Continued from page 386)

made the scimitar of the Saracens as much superior to our best blades as was the mind of Moses to that of the modern University professor. It Is Unscriptural This evolutionary theory has no kinship with the sacred Scripture. To prove that I provide you with parallel col­ umns.

By Hannah Whitall Smith "A whole generation has felt its power and been stimulated by its wholesome faith. HAPPINESS is the desire of everyone, but so often Christ­ ians* do not show non-Christ­ ians that Happiness is actually possible. It Is positively necessary if we would be chan­ nels of blessing for the Master. Read this book— it doctors our smile and establishes our patience in these "J®1* H Cloth $1.00 The Kneeling Christian By An Unknown Christian Not merely another book on prayer and praying but a most unusual book which, when read and followed, w i l l develop just an ordinary Christian into a kneeling Christian. This is a book which will transform a prayerless Christian into one who will find the “ bent knee- time" the most precious and most fruitful period in their life.A great blessing is in store for every one who reads this book—a greater blessing for those who follow it into a deepened prayer life. Paper 75c George Muller of Bristol By A. T. Pierson Sometimes we need some­ thing to give us more faith in God and especially more faith in His Word. Under such con­ ditions we know of no book that will better repay you for reading. It is a wonderful story of a wonderful man, told in a wonderful way. and it will do your soul untold good. Don't delay ordering. Cloth | 2i0 God’s Best Secrets By Andrew Murray The author says: . "It is our privilege to dis­ cover the 'Secrets' which will fill us with joy unspeakable and full of glory and make us of greater value to our family and friends and the world.*' This volume is excellent for daily meditatioti on the Secret of Prayer, the Secret of Power, the Secret of Adoration, ate. It was written by one of the most deeply spiritual men of recent years. To read just one chapter of this book is to be drawn closer to God. Cloth $2.00

Thi* book is really intended aa a text book for the use of those who wish to attend Christ's school of prayer. It contains thirty-one chapters, each one developing some par­ ticular phase of prayer—each chapter being a step ¿ » a d ­ vance of the others. WHEN you have read the book through, you will have gained a comprehensive idea of the value of a life of Cloth 7Sc The Powerful Christian By An Unknown Christian This book was brought into being by the fact there is a feeling among Christians gen­ erally of a need of more ''power'* in their lives. fact of this power, its char­ acteristics, and how any Christian may have this power in their life are discussed in a most helpful way. The author has developed a really wonderful devotional book—a book that is destined to take it* piece as a classic on the subject of the Spirit- filled life. Paper 75c Charles G. Finney An Autobiography Written with the thought that his own deeper Christian life exnerience might be a help and an inspiration to others. Anyone interested in the sub­ ject of Revival will find this book a veritable storehouse of information along the line of what is necessary in order to have a real Holy Ghost,- soul­ saving awakening. If you are praying for a revival get this book and read it. It may help you answer your own’ prayers. ' __________ '_______ Cloth $1.50 By Arthur T. Pierson The book consists of fifteen chapters. Every chapter is full of life and contains a wonderful exposition of Bible doctrine; The last chanter The Bible and Spiritual Life

dint of practice had developed a hand like claw. This crea­ ture. half ape and half monkey, is supposed to have become the most successful hunter and able to make a living in any dime. Tina creature, though you may hardly believe it, was_ your first man-like ancestor. The dignified account of Genesis 1:1-3: • “In the beginning God cre­ ated the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face ot the waters. And God said. Let there be light: and there was light (vs. 9-11). And God said. Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one placo, ana let the dry land appear: and It was so. And God called the dry land earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he seas, God saw that It was good. And God said. Let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after hts kind, whose seed Is in itself, upon the earth; and It w as so (vs. 20-22). And God said. Let- the waters bring forth abundantly the moving crea­ ture that hath life, and fow l that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created whales, and every Uvlng crea­ ture that moveth. which the waters brought forth abun­ dantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying. Be fruitful, and mul­ tiply, and All the waters in the seas, and let fowl multl- ply In the earth (vs. 24, 25). And God said. Let the earth bring forth his kind, cattle, and creeping- thing, and beast of the earth after his kind, and it was so. And God mad© tn© beast of the earth after his kind, andcattle after their kind, andevery thing that creepeth upon the earth iafiter his kind: and God saw that it was good (vs. 27, 28). So God created man In his own im­ age. in the image of God cre­ ated he him; male and female created he them. And Goa blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and „ multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the flsh of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.'* after

Here is an explanation of the earth and man given by Van Loon, whose book is a text book in tax-supported schools of this State and used as a reference book in many others: “In the beginning the planet upon which we live was. as far as we know, a large ball of flaming matter. After mil lions of years the surface burned itself out and was cov­ ered with a thin layer of rocks. Upon these lifeless rocks the rain descended in endless torrents. Finally the sun broke through the clouds. Then one day the great won­ der happened What had been dead crave birth to lif©t “ e STwfe? Jjjg it might survive more easily upon "the inhospitable earth. Some of these cells were hap- nfist In the dark depths of the lakes and the pools. Others preferred to tnove about and they grew strange tainted legs. Still others de­ pended upon swimming in search of food and gradually they populated the ocean. Some of the Ashes left the sea and learned how to breathe. Some of the reptilian family began to live In the tops trees They didn t need their legs for the purpose o fwa l k- ing about but to move Quickly from one branch to * " ot’'*.r' and it changed a part of their skin into a sort of parachute which stretched between the sides of their podies and the small toes of thelr feet (A flying squirrel, no doubt.) " • ‘Gradually they covered the skin parachute with feathers and made their tails Into » steering gear and went from t r e e " “ tree and developed into true birds.'* (In other words modern science teaches that birds are the descendants of flying squirrels.) He further tells how the descendants of the became mammals by evolving milk in a mothers breast, and disposing with scales of flsh and feathers of birds, covered their bodies with hair. Now we come to the parting of the ways when man sud­ denly leaves the endless Pro­ cession and begins to use .his reason to shape the destiny of his race: . .. , __ "One mammal in particular seems to surpass all others In its ability to And food and shelter. It had learned to use its fore feet for the purpose of holding Its prey, and by

Many persons find that the Vacation Season is a splendid time for reading books like these— when the ordinary cares of life are not preming in for attention thqr t a m ‘ ‘ t HESE prayer and reading and meditation— TRY READING TMESIS THIS YEAR.

the living creature

shows that the mystery of his­ tory can be understood only in the light of four other mys­ teries: The dispensations, the ages, the kingdom and the two advents. The book is well il­ lustrated j o - valuable pictures and charts, which aia mate­ rially in a good understanding of the subject matter of the lectures. Cloth $2.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will bo sont C. O. D. If books aro to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Lot Angeles, Cal.

The man who can harmonise these two views and make them seem compatible is so remarkable a genius In Imagina­ tion that he is unfit for the practical uses of life and ought to be elected President of a university and appointed on

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