T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1926
“Best” Books For Boys and Girls Fill their summer with good books and their lives will bear “ good fruit.’’ J. Cole By Emma Gellibrand You will love this little book! The story is so winsome and full o f the quaint pathetic ways of the little lad who came to work for a family in England, that you will eagerly follow each inci dent from the faded flowers, his gift to her in the beginning o f your acquaintance with J. Cole, to the heroic deed of the climax. If you have never read this book, you have a treat awaiting you, no matter what your age. *■ Cloth TSc Line upon Line
The Protest of Common Sense (Continued from page 388)
these manifold changes and progressions.” A “ Theistic Evolutionist,” in whose sincerity I have the fullest confi dence, writes me: “ I believe in evolution with God.” But these merely insist that in evolution they have discovered the method which God (to whom the credit is graciously conceded!) employed in forming and bringing to perfection this marvelous universe "o f His” ; and that this discovery magnifies His wisdom and skill— “ enhances our estimation of His perfections above the traditional (the Biblical) view." This, some of us, whose intelligence must be sub-normal or below the average, fail to see, or to rightly appreciate! But they have "discovered” a “ mare’s nest” ! Evolution, as Prof. Le Conte defines it, and as it is loudly proclaimed from the house-tops, or in the cloisters of our great Univer sities, is clearly NOT the method which God employed, whatever, unrevealed or undiscovered, as yet that method may prove to have been. And we humbly submit that the Infinite, the All-wise, the All-mighty, Original First Cause, by whatever name He be designated, in whose thought the whole system originated— who, by the gracious admission of these concessionists, ( ! ) established as the expression of the method He elected to adopt— these “ fixed laws” in accordance with which these "resident forces” operate, was fully equal to the modification of these laws (which after all are but the expression of His thought and volition); and the manipulation of these "forces” with which, it is also admitted, He endowed the original protoplasm; or even, as it might suit His purpose, to introduce new forces; and that He should be conceded the privilege, the right, to do so, as and when He pleased! We, at least, are not prepared to shackle the Almighty by fetters of “ fixed laws.” What do we know about the fixity of laws? How do we know that any or which if any, are “ fixed” unalterably? Our "exper ience” is too limited to warrant dogmatism on this subject. Our railroads all have "schedules” by which all trains are run. These, in the interest of efficiency of operation— of convenience to patrons— of safety to life and property, must be “ fixed.” Instability, unregulated fluctuations, were disastrous to all of these. This, however, does not forbid or prevent the Superintendent, or other superior officer having the authority, from varying, departing from, or even temporarily suspending them “ for cause” , in some emer gency deemed by him to be of sufficient importance, though it may be unknown to, or unsuspected by the general public, running an “ extra” or “ special,” or putting on a new train, T. C. Horton, Editor-m-Chief 'T h e King’* Busineee,” 536-558 S. Hope St., Lo# Angeles, California. Dear Mr. Horton: Enclosed, find $.................................. -aiul list of five names on attached sheet of paper, to which please send The ICing's Business for 6 months i t tho special rat# of SO cents, (or if regular subscription is desired, remit at usual rate of $1.25 in U. S., or $1.50 foreign). Please send me, for securing above, copy of "Scrip tural Inspiration vs. Scientific Imagination, as advertised on page 438. Name........................................ .................-....................................*.......... Address......i.—.........................-....................... ....... ..............................
Precept upon Precept “ It ia delightful to witneaa the deep intereat which chil dren take in the hiatory of their Saviour; they are early attracted and aweetly riveted bv the wonderful atory of the Master from the manger to the throne.“ Seventy-tnree brief little chapter* give her* the life of Christ. omitting the ab- stract and complicated. The Bible reference* are available throughout, and the color- plate*. and the clear type add much to the attractivaneaa of thia lovely book for your child. Cloth 7Sc
The design of this little book is to lead children to understand and delight in the Scriptures. **If adults meet with difficulties in the sacred text* which commentaries often remove, children must neces sarily meet with manv more, some of which this little book may cljsar up.** ft is briefly arranged to give just a few points of the history so vital to all of us. It begins with the creation and gives stories of the great men. Abraham, J a c o b, Joseph, Moses and Joshua. There are 39 short chapters, printed on clear white paper in large type and illustrated with color plates. Cloth 75c Bible Boys and Girls
By C. D. WiUon and J. K. Reeve Here’ » a book that does not moralize! Ihe stories it gives of Bible boys and girls teach their own lessons. Clean white pages, with bold clear type, and many black and white half tone illus trations make this volume most acceptable - there are nearly 400 pages and each page one of gripping interest to all boys and girls. It u unus ual in the fund of amazing historical reference provided through the authors scholarly re**® 1*-“ * You will appreciate this new book. Cloth $1.50 The Lost Garden By Lattice Ball Ye Next Thynge
By E. A. Sutphen A gift edition which will ap peal to you thla summer. It is like a little bit of yesterday, a breath from an old-fashioned garden; like a little play viewed from a moonlight ter race. To read thia little^ book will be to receive an “ idea“ which you will find yourself interested in carrying into ex perience, in regard to flower* and shut-ins. The eight chap ter titles may give you soma hint: “ New Idea*,“ ‘The Mes sage of the Flower*,” "Ye Next Thynge,” "Some Wide- Awake Endeavorera,” A Ten nis Party,” "A Successful Ex periment,” "By Hia Measure, Charlotte d* Hart's Next* Thynge." _ . Decorative Art Boards 35c
Give your child an oppor tunity to really know what to expect in life i! be disobeys. Perhapa you hava not been as careful aa you wiah you had been. Thla book will dp more for you in the training ot your child than a dozen_re- questa for obedience. Tnls very charming story definitely explains God's plan such a clear, beautiful idea in the child*, mind that you will have prepared him for litea battles if you give him thla etory. You will find this an attractively bound book with cUar type. ^ $tJW
If money doe* no* accompany order, g y d s wMlb* » f f C - ° - D- If books art to corno by moil odd 10% for postato. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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