King's Business - 1926-07

July 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

436 “ Son!, soul, thou hast much goods,” etc., as he talks to him­ self (Luke 12:19). Objectively, soul Is descriptive of the life as lived. Christ charges us to “ take no thought for your life’* (psuche) (Matt. 6:25 ). That is, we are not to be burdened with anxiety about It. Christ warns us that If we find ourselves in selfishness and the world, we shall lose our life; and If we would save our life for these ends we miss the meaning of life; whereas on the other hand, if we lose our life we shall find It; and then He asks the question, “ What shall a man give in exchange for his soul” (or life )? (Matt. 10:39; 10:25). Note “ Psuche" four times in Matt. 16:25, 26, twice rendered "life” and twice "soul.” Olive Schreiner expresses the aim of a true life. She says, "Holiness is an infinite compassion for others; great­ ness is to take the common things of life and walk truly among them; and happiness is a great love and much serving." Christ illustrates these traits, for He was ever giving Himself out, as He Infers when He said that His mis­ sion was, “ Not to destroy men’s lives” (souls), "but to save them” (Luke 9:56 ). The poet sighs as he writes: “ Oh! for a man to rise In me, That the man I am may cease to be.” That man alone is Christ, not as the same poet says: "Men may rise on stepping stones Of their dead selves to higher things.” It is in the displacement of the self-life and making place for Christ in our lives that we become saved and found In the realm of fellowship with Him (Gal. 2:20). The inner life of the heart and the outer life of the con­ duct are often put in unison and contrast. Thus we are to love the Lord with all the heart and soul, mind and strength (Matt. 12:30). “ Heart” and "mind” being the inward, and the "soul” (or life) and “ strength” being the outward. Of the early disciples It is said: "They were of one heart and of one soul” _ (Acts 4 :3 2 ); “ heart” Indicating the inward purpose of their life, and "soul” declaring the unity of their aim to live for God in serving each other. “ Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name” (Psa. 103:1). Here "soul” is undoubtedly meant for life, for it is the complement of “ all that is within me..” Metaphorically, the “ soul” denotes the emotion», the desires and the inward feeling. The Old Testament word “ nephesh” Is variously rendered “ soul,” “ life,” “ lust,” "mind,” "heart,” "pleasure,” "appetite,” and “ desire.” Passion: Shechem, In his passion, caused "his soul to cleave unto Dinah” (Gen. 34:3). Affection: Jacob’s love for Benjamin was summed up by Judah when he said "his life” (soul) “ is hound up in the lad’s life" (soul) (Gen. 44:30). Anger: Pharaoh’s desire to avenge himself upon Israel is expressed In his words “ my lust” (soul) "shall be satisfied upon them” (Ex. 15:9). Desire: A Levite who wished to serve the Lord with “ all the desire of his mind” (soul) was permitted to have his heart’s wish (Deut. 18:6). Intent: No one was allowed to defraud a hired laborer of his wages, for he would not only be disappointed because he had set “ his heart” (soul) “ upon It, but the Lord would avenge hiB cry” (Deut. 24:15). Discretion: Pharaoh’s committal of his affairs Into the hands of Joseph is described in several particulars and

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