T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1926
"O N B u s in e s s F o r T h e K ino " “ The Best Fundamental Magazine ft “ I have been a reader and subscriber to The King’s Business for several years, and have found it rich and helpful for my Christian life and warfare. It is the BEST FUNDAMENTAL MAGAZINE I have thus far found. Have also been able to PASS IT ON and thus get new subscriptions from time to time, and all who once subscribe see the value o f keeping up with its timely and helpful subjects and outlines and editorials.”— E. M. W ., New York. A Belfast Subscriber Is “ Doing His Bit” “ I thank God for ever sending The King’s Business to my house. What a help and blessing it has been to me and to others! I am now sending you two more names, and praise the Lord! the end is not yet, as there are others I have in mind when I get their addresses. * * * Praise God for all He has done and is doing through The King’s Business.” — W . M. T .f Ireland. “One Is Good—Ten Are Better” “ Please send me ten copies a month o f K. B. Think 1can make a good investment here by passing them on to some ‘dominies’ I know who are nearly bankrupt spiritually. Here is a check. Fill in the amount for the ten copies for a year and begin with the next issue.” , — Dr. W. S. M., California. These are but three o f the many members o f Yearly Subscription $1.25 in U.S. $1.50 Foreign 6 months 50 cts.
THE KING’S BUSINESS FAMILY who are “ DOING BUSINESS FOR THE KING.” IF every member o f “ The Family” would follow their example, we would quickly D O U B L E our C I R C U L A T I O N (Read the Special Offer on Opposite Page.) THE KING’S BUSINESS “The Bible Family Magazine” T. C. HORTON, Editor-in-Chief 536-558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
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