King's Business - 1926-07

BIBLE INST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA AStaggeringChallenge To every Christian young person. . One thousand million lie down nightly without any knowledge o f our Lord and Saviour. Fields white to the harvest. Laborers pitifully few. Total Foreign missionary force throughout the world 29,188. In the United States one Protestant Minister to every 625 people. In China alone, one missionary to 471,253. How many will perish before you can reach them. Think!

SEND YOUR YOUNG FOLKS TO A SCHOOL FOUNDED ON THE BIBLE WITH A SOUND EFFICIENT FAC­ ULTY WHO TURN OUT EFFICIENT CHRISTIAN WORKERS A Faculty pledged to Evangelical Bible teaching and opposed to unscriptural ex­ tremes of all kinds. A School Interdenominational in Directors, Faculty and Student Body. Splendid fireproof buildings with over 600 comfortable rooms having steam heat and hot and cold water; class rooms, auditorium seating over 4000, in the heart of Los Angeles. Regular Course, two years of two semesters each. Pastor’8 Course, three years. TUITION IS FREE. Board and Room $8.50 per week. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES AND CORRESPONDENCE COURSES.


PACIFIC COAST. Los Angeles rightfully claims the best equipped Bible Institute west of Chicago. The most wonderful climate in America if not in the world. The city is cos­ mopolitan in every respect. All Nationali­ ties and Denominations are here. In short Los Angeles is a Home and Foreign Mis­ sionary field all in one, with the training in its midst. PRESIDENT COOLIDGE RECENTLY SAID: *‘Our government rests upon religion. It is from that source that we derive our reverence for truth and justice, for equality and liberty, and for the rights of mankind. Unless the people believe in these principles they cannot believe in our government.

“ T h e government of a country never gets ahead of the religion o f that coun­ try. T h e blessings and prosperity w h i c h have come to the United States as a result o f being built on a r e l i g i o u s foundation would not continue if the people neglect the Bible. If our government rests on religion and the only relig­ ion worth while rests upon the Bible, and the govern­ ment is of the people, by the people, for the people; then why not educate the people in the Bible that they may be instructed in the foundation principles of our government and be pre­ pared to perpetuate it?

FACULTY Dr. John M. Maclnnis, Dean Dr. Ralph Atkinson, Associate Dean Rev. John H. Hunter, Sec. of Faculty Rev. Wm. H. Pike. Sec. Evening School Rev. Keith L. Brooks, Sec. Correspondence School Rev. John A. Hubbard, Supt. of Men Mrs. Besse D. McAnlis, Supt. of Women Dr. John Marvin Dean Prof. H. W. Kellogg Prof. J. B. Trowbridge, Voice, Conducting Prof. H. G. Tovey, Voice, Conducting Prof. Arthur A. Butler, Organ, Piano Prof. Christian M. Books, Voice Miss Wilma Krag, Piano Miss Marie Carter Miss Florence Chaffee Miss Grace Todd

Catalog and complete information on request BibleInstituteofLos Angels

Los Angeles, California

536 -558 South Hope Street

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