T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1926
pose! Its headquarters are in Russia, its purpose is to destroy the moral tissue of this country, and it* mode of operation is planned by the devil himself. Where is the seed to be sown! In the schools and educational institutions of our land. Who will pay the instructors! Russia,—whose own children by the thou sands are homeless and helpless, oftentimes banded together as bandits to secure the bread they need to stay the. ravages of hunger. What is the propaganda! A plausible cry for “ peace!” Their emissaries in our schools are every where, with angelic tones, issuing their call to “ Dis band your armies! Let us have peace! Sink your ships of war! Scrap your guns and swords! Wipe out
the eighth of Romans, who also tells us of the new law which delivers us from this law of sin and death (Romans 8:2-4) : “ For the lew o f the Spirit o f l if e In Christ Jean* hath made me free from the law o f ain and death. “ For what the law could not do in that It waa weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh ; “ That the righteousness o f the law might be fulitllea in usf who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit# There we have the whole plan of salvation in its simplest form. Because no man could keep the Ten Commandments, and so could not please God, He, Him self, became man and paid the penalty of our failure to keep the “ law of sin and death” by His death upon the
your military training s c h o o l s ! Line up e v e r y week-kneed preacher and teacher possible! H a v e the students pledge them selves never to re spond to their coun try ’s call to arms in defence of its rights!” What is R u s s i a doing in her own land! Read this word of warning from the Los Angeles Times of April 22: ♦‘No God in Russia.— All the libraries In Rus sia to which the people have any access are being officially visited and all books of a re ligious cast or treating the church sympathetic ally are being destroyed. Also all volumes which treat of the land ques tion, economics or poli tics on other than Bol shevik lines are under the ban. Nobody can read any book that is out of tune with the soviet government, and the government cannot keep step with its own music. The soviet re gime wishes it distinctly understood that It can
cross, becoming ‘ ‘ sin for us” and being sep arated f r o m H i s Father when He cried, “ My God, my God, why hast Thou for saken met” When any one will bow to this manifesta tion of God’s law of love, accept His aton ing blood offering and confess H im before men, then he can shout “ Free from the laW, oh, happy condi tion 1 ’ ’ The burden of sin is all, r e m o v e d ; the shackles are broken ; Satan is outwitted ; God has the victory. A new law, a hew life, a new relation, a new prospect, a new fel lowship, a free pass port to Heaven, eter nal life, are freely be stowed—the g i f t of God! The only really free people in the world are the Christ-ones. T h e o n l y really
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get along without God— and, indeed, conditions there would indicate that It Is doing so." What are our officials, who are sworn to defend our nation, doing! Who will take this matter to heart! When *will our citizens understand that this cry of “ peace, peace” is a blow at the very life of America, a peril to every loyal public institution, every loyal private institution, every loyal religious institution, and, worst o f all, a stroke at the Scriptures themselves! “ There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked. The only basis for peace is to be found in the Prince of peace,—the peace which He paid for with His own blood. People desire peace in human affairs, logically, because of their own interests. War wrecks nations. But sin wrecks the soul. The pacifists who prate about 1 ‘ peace ’ -- in our churches are a fair sample of those pacifists in other circles. They can glibly say “ peace,” shake the hands
happy people in the world are the Christ-ones. The only really joyful people in the world are the Christ-ones. They have melody in their hearts and songs upon their lips. They are on the way to Glory Land and are seeking to tell the story to those whom Satan has bound, that they too may become Christ-ones and be partakers with them of this great salvation. Hallelujah! What a Saviour and what a salvation! THE PERNICIOUS PEACE PROPAGANDA A r e you asleep! Then, wake up! Wake up! Do you know what his majesty, the devil, is doing! Aré you conscious of the seductive, seditious, Satanic influence which is at work in our land, designed to bring about its disintegration and destruction! Do you know where it originates and what avenues are being used for the accomplishment of its fell pur-
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