Open Door Review III

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O0_!V$<0<2_!i>_!8%$112_!i>_!H2<<2M_!i>_!A232(0_!8>_!G!pB2%&$_!=>![+,,-^>!8)*:$23$<$&2&0!(06(0E%0(06(0!&2! '*(%0Y$6(2!8! 3%<)(,@& `#@()B%)#@&*%&'()]>)@,#)@O&Gk _!-.gE-.\>!! "X2.(1/.\!! The objective was to identify perception and thinking changes in patients treated by psychoanalytical psychotherapy at a university public outpatient service. 68 patients participated, mainly women (80.9%), around 40 years old, and 11.5 years of education, who attended at least one session weekly for two years with a trainee therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist. The majority met the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder, (DSM-IV, Axis-I), and Cluster B and Cluster C on Personality Disorder (DSM IV, Axis-II). The Rorschach was administered upon admission and in annual follow ups. An adaptation from the Comprehensive System to the R-PAS was performed. The results showed statistically significant differences were found on the Perception and Thinking variables, indicating structural changes were achieved. social avoidance behavior, alexithymics more often stop their inpatient treatment in the early phase of therapy. At baseline, alexithymic patients show higher levels of psychopathological distress compared to nonalexithymics. The symptom reduction in alexithymics is lower and the psychopathological distress at the end of the intervention is still significantly higher than in nonalexithymics. There are no or only little changes in Toronto Alexithymia Scale scores in both groups over the course of the treatment. The residency program in psychiatry and the specialization program in health psychology of a school of medicine, EPM, include training in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Besides attending a theoretical course, the trainees must treat at least two patients deemed suitable for long-term psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy, once a week. The trainees meet weekly with a supervisor in a group session to discuss the progress of the therapy until the end of the program, after two years. The supervisors are staff members of the Department of Psychiatry with a solid foundation in psychoanalysis. The proposal of the study was to assess the effects of the psychotherapeutic treatment on the patients. The school hospital, including its outpatient services, is a free of charge institution. In order to carry out this proposal the patients, upon admission, were submitted to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (Axis-I, and Axis II) by trained psychiatrists, following these criteria (a) inclusion: at least 18 years of age, interest and availability to attend the psychotherapeutic sessions; and (b) exclusion: schizophrenic disorder, antisocial personality disorder, dementia disorder, mental retardation. The Rorschach method was the selected psychological instrument for assessing the possible changes in personality aspects, and was administered upon the admission of the patient, and after one and two years of psychotherapy. The sample comprised 68 patients, mainly women (55 or 80.9%), with the mean of 39.7 years old, and with the mean of 11.5 years of education, who attended at least one weekly psychotherapy session for two years. As to the diagnosis, 46 (67.6%) patients met the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (DSM-IV, Axis-I), and 44 (64.7%) met the criteria for Personality Disorder (DSM-IV, Axis-II) with the prevalence of cluster B (borderline, narcissistic histrionic or antisocial) in 27 (39.7%) patients, followed by cluster C (avoidant, dependent or obsessive-compulsive) in 17 (25.0%) of patients.



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