>10%5&! In all the studies the sample structure is like a Russian nesting doll where we analyze relevant episodes taken from therapeutic sessions belonging to complete individual psychotherapies that have been audio and video recorded all the times. ?(&1.0.! Psychotherapies with psychodynamic and cognitive focus in a context of outpatient treatment. The therapists males and females with more than five years of practical professional experience. ;&2-5.2! -Verbal dimension of regulation: We have identified three discursive positions applicable to patients and two discursive positions for therapists. The triadic model in patients includes a meta-position role that could keep the alliance and therapeutic work. -Non verbal dimension of regulation: We have established differences in the type of vocal qualities and facial gestures that patients and therapists use in their interactions, as well as, the associations of these differences with the interactional scenario within which they occur (change and rupture episodes). -Characterization of the brain activity of patient and therapist: We have advanced in the development of an observation device and analytic method of the neurodynamic of the psychotherapeutic interaction. @)15-1.*$#! This is an ongoing research line in a developing stage. Thus it limitations have to do with the different levels of advance of each subproject. In a whole its different studies are contributing to develop an emergent and multidimensional theory of the regulatory processes in the psychotherapeutic interaction.
Claudio Martínez Guzmán - claudio.5martinez@mail.udp.cl
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