Open Door Review III

=*2<46$6!):!&01%066$Y0!12($0*(6Ä!Y0%32!/%)7066! %0602%7#!+?! V2<&o6_!a>![+,-+^>!=*2<46$6!):!Y0%32! 8B[+)?@&A& 6@B>*O&Gk _!-.PE-d\>!! V2<&o6_!a>_!I%2B60_!@>_!")9$7$7_!=>_!G!'61$*)62_!O>![+,-+^>!'c1%06$W*!09)7$)*2! 3%<)(,@& /#L%+,)+@&*%&8B[+)?@&'()?"BsL)?@O&GI _!+-dE+]g>! W1/RY($-#'! A person's speech makes it possible to identify significant indicators which reflect certain characteristics of his/her personality organization, but also can vary depending on the relevance of specific moments of the session and the symptoms type. The work of contents associated with the patient's emotional experience during the conversation involves 3 communicative patterns (CPs) used to work on emotional content during change episodes: affective exploration , attunement , and resignification. Simultaneously, underlying cognitive processes during the therapy show a specific effect in breaking the link between affect and cognition in depressed patients, so that negative mood induction is less likely to reactivate negative beliefs and assumptions =&.4$'2^H&2*Y#! Therapeutic outcome was estimated using the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2). B oth patients displayed a significant degree of change during the therapy, even though Patient A started below the cut-off score and Patient B above it. But also, both therapies displayed a positive evolution from the point of view of Generic Change Indicators (GCI), considering the number of change moments during the session (A=14, B=24), but especially due to their level in the hierarchy of indicators. The Therapeutic Activity Coding System (TACS-1.0) was used for manually coding patients' and therapists' verbalizations in each speaking turn segment during Change and Stuck Episodes . The words uttered by patients and therapists during their speaking turns in CEs and SEs were analyzed using the Spanish version of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC). Each speech segment text was analyzed to identify words referencing three cognitive mechanisms: (a) cause : words reflecting the presence of a basic cognitive skill involving the speaker's attempts to explain something through an underlying logical pattern to connect the reasons behind certain phenomena or processes and their effects; (b) insight : words revealing the speaker's increased awareness or deeper understanding of the central aspects of the meaning ascribed to a certain content previously inaccessible but now experienced as novel; (c) tentativeness : words showing the speaker's consideration of different alternative meanings for certain contents; and (d) certainty : words revealing the speaker's increased assurance about something that he/she regards as true and which he/she does not doubt.



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