Open Door Review III

/647#)<)D$72!O01%066$)*_!2! 7)91<0c!1#0*)90*)*?!R*&0%6(2*&$*D!(#0!64*&%)90!2*&!(%02(90*(! %061)*60! W1/RY($-#'! Investigators from different theoretical positions have discussed two major types of experiences that tinge psychopathology as depression: (1) disruptions of gratifying interpersonal relationships (for example, object loss), and (2) disruptions of an effective and essentially positive sense of self (for example, failure). From a psychoanalytic cognitive-developmental standpoint some depressed patients show a self-criticism personality trait (introjective) meanwhile others have a tendency to show a dependence personality trait (anaclitic). >-X%($[&/.2! -Adult attachment, social network and personality traits: their relation with depression. -Alliance evolution in two types of depression (anaclitic/introjective) ;&2&1(/4!_-&2.*$#2! Anaclitic and introjective depression are the key elements of this research, from here, questions arise:- Can we describe thoroughly both types of depression (in terms of initial alliance, expectations, attachment, social support, etc.)?. How is the evolution of process variables for each type? H&2*Y#!1#'!0&.4$'! When applying psychological assistance in a private health center, participants are invited to be part of this study. Those who agree to participate, signed informed consent and completed some questionnaires (A) prior to the first psychotherapy interview, and during psychotherapy (B). Sample: 99 patients have been included so far in this study that is still in progress. Treatment: Therapies are held in a private outpatient clinic that delivers brief psychotherapies (8-12 sessions). Psychiatrists have diagnosed all patients. Treatment is as usual in this natural setting, no manualization. =&12-(&2! Depressive symptoms: The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-I-A, Beck et al., 1961) Depressive Experience Questionnaire (DEQ, Blatt, D’Afflitti, & Quinlan, 1976) Attachment in couples relationships: the Experience in Close Relationships Scale, (ECR, Brennan, Clark & Shaver, 1998) Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ-6, Sarason, Sarason, Shearin & Pierce, 1987) Psychotherapeutic Expectative (PATHEV, Schulte, 2005) (A and B) Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2, Lambert et al., 1996)

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