Open Door Review III

;&2-5.2\! Results allowed identify the criteria used by patients to determine when a psychotherapeutic process is unsuccessful and compare it with a successful process. Furthermore, they permit to develop a comprehensive model of negative evaluation of the psychotherapy from the patient´s point of view. In summary - It was possible to distinguish 3 groups of patients in relation to the overall evaluation of psychotherapy from their subjective experience: 20 patients with positive evaluation, 13 patients with mixed, and 7 patients with negative evaluation. - Patients are able to assess their differential effects attribute psychotherapy, other treatments or life situations. - Patients did not only consider the lack of symptomatic relief when evaluating negatively their psychotherapy. Factors that stood out were: • Distrust and Misunderstanding • Absence of Focus working • Didn't have the experience of "Change in oneself" as opposed to successful cases • Didn't have a "transforming psychotherapy relationship" as opposed to some successful cases - Patients with negative and mixed evaluation, didn´t talk directly about their bad feelings to the therapist. They felt that wasn´t appropriate. G$#/5-2*$#! Even in many very brief psychotherapies(focused on symptomatic relief) patients feel that one of the most important factors of psychic change is the "transformative relationship" with the psychotherapist, relationship contrary to dysfunctional depressive pattern. @)15-1.*$#! This study is in progress. Still need to perform qualitative analysis. Later be incorporated into the analysis further comparison with quantitative instruments such as the BDI and OQ45.2, and therapist´s interviews. >$0&!5*0*.1.*$#2! - The study provides a specific frame of brief psychotherapies aimed at the resolution of depressive symptoms independent of the theoretical model of the psychotherapist. - Are not manualized psychotherapies. G$#.1/.\!

Nicolás Suárez Delucchi, Phd(c) -,

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