! L23%0D2(_!@>_!G!I%2B60_!5>![+,,b^>!~@0(21#)%6!2*&!2::07(?!(#0$%!$*(0%%0<2($)*!$*!(#0!(#0%210B($7!1%)7066>! i%),(?-#)!,&!j#&'(A?-"("$@,)(?-%&Z%*)f)+&>+*&'(A?-",-%#@:)% _!.]_!ddEbb>! This piece of research deals with the relationship between affect and its transference into language in “hidden ways” before it appears as purposefully verbalised meaning. H&2*Y#! Using videotapes of 10 fifteen-hour short -term therapies by very experienced therapists treating an unselected group of patients, facial affect and metaphoric language of the therapist and the patient as well as the temporal distance between the two were recorded. ;&2-5.2! The density of metaphors was not significantly correlated with symptom reduction but with treatment satisfaction. However symptom reduction correlated significantly with the frequency of interactive metaphors used by both the therapist and the patient. It could be shown that there is an optimal time window between facial affect and metaphor production beyond the here and now, but not as a long term memory. G$#.1/.!
Prof. Dr. R. Krause, Universität Saarbrücken. E-mail: r.krause@mx.uni-saarland.de
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