=<(92**!&0!A$(Y2*_!@>![+,-.^!R*&0%<4$*D!6(%B7(B%06!):!9)(#0%E$*:2*(!$*(0%27($)*!2(!3%$0:!1647#)(#0%210B($7! 1%)706606>!['6(%B7(B%26!%0<27$)*2<06!6B34270*(06!0*!1%)706)6!16$7)(0%21oB($7)6!3%0Y06!92&%0E$*:2*(0^>!'*! 1%0*62>! =<(92**!&0!A$(Y2*_!@>![+,-]^>!O$:0%0*(06!729$*)6!#27$2!<2!@0*(2<$C27$W*?!'c1<)%27$W*!&0!<)6!06(2&)6! 1%0%0:<0c$Y)6!4!6B!%0<27$W*!7)*!07)9>! =<(92**!&0!A$(Y2*_!@>q!/%)7)1$)_!5>q!G!QC(0%0*_!A>![+,-]^>!;*(0%Y0*7$)*06!0*!16$7)(0%21$2!92&%0E303o! (0*&$0*(06!2!&$69$*B$%!0!'*!")%%06_!F>q!82B62&$)26_!i>q!G!/)62&26_!S>![+,-]^>!A2! (0)%X2!&0!/6$92($72!'&$()%$2A>!;QFa?!\dbb]bb\,\bd\>! W(*&,!>-001(3! This is a process study of psychoanalytic infant – mother consultations. It attempts to bring the advances of psychoanalytic process research in the traditional consulting room encounter to the applied context of mother – infant interaction. This is a therapeutic setting that shares some features with the psychoanalytic but, in addition has a developmental focus. Ten mother baby dyads were selected at random from the regular treatment program at the Pediatric University Hospital in Montevideo. The babies were aged from 3 to 18 months and showed psychofunctional disorders. The dyads received 3 to 4 therapeutic interviews. The goal of these psychoanalytically oriented consultations with mothers and their babies is to help the mother to better understand her emotions, especially when interacting with her child in the therapeutic situation itself. A psychotherapeutic objective is to enable the mother to (re)adjust to her baby in direct response to its non-verbal interventions by connecting the baby’s gestures and behavior with emotions and by verbal expressing of emotions. The verbal exchange of therapist and mother is being empirically assessed using computer assisted language measures. Narrative Style is measured using a computer-based measure of Referential Activity developed by Mergenthaler & Bucci. The analysis of the text material utilizes the Cycles Model Program (CM, available from the Ulm Textbank website). The non-verbal interactions between mother and baby during the interview will be empirically assessed using Massie and Campbell’s attachment indicators (gazing, vocalizing, touching, affect, proximity, holding), both from mother to baby and the baby to mother, following the word block segmentation. Subprojects were:
The study of risk in attachment The study of productivity in the session according to clinical and empirical criteria The validation of the Therapeutic Cycles Model into Spanish language The study of the impact of interventions in the developmental process
The implementation of training programs for health care groups and mothers in the topic of attachment The Underlying structures of the mother-infant interaction at brief psychotherapeutic processes
The psychotherapeutic interviews had an effect on the attachment indicators: the subjects changed from the extreme points (insecure, avoidance and over-anxious) towards the middle range (secure attachment). In the last sessions both mother and baby are closer to the middle range (3: secure attachment), and all the attachment indicators are closer to the middle range in the last sessions both in the mother and the baby. All linguistic and non-verbal variables were correlated in a block by block basis and no significant correlations were found between the verbal measures in the mother and
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