Open Door Review III
K#2(!&)06!S0*0%2<$C0&!=*c$0(4!O$6)%&0%!902*!:)%!1647#)2*2<46(6n! =*!091$%$72@>_!'(7#032%*0_!;>_!iB2*_!Q>_!G!5)B66)6_!=>![+,-P^>!R9!)<#2%!2)!(%2*6()%*)!&0!2*6$0&2&0! D0*0%2<$C2&2!&06&0!2!16$72*2<$60?!B92!21%)c$92ëÇ)!091X%$72!6)3%0!6B2!7)*701(B2<$C2ëÇ)!z=!V$0Z!):! S0*0%2<$C0&!=*c$0(4!O$6)%&0%!:%)9!(#0!/647#)2*2<4($7!/0%6107($Y0?!2*!'91$%$72! '()?@+TB)(%&3%<)(,@&*@&&6"?)%*@*%&'()?@+@B[,)?@&*%&'"#,"&/B%L#%O&IJ ![+^_!PP-EP.g>! iB2*_!Q>_!'(7#032%*0_!;>_!SW90C!/0*0&)_!i>@>_!G!5)B66)6_!=>![+,-,^>!R*2!10%6107($Y2!16$7)2*2! 3%<)(,@&*%&B@&6"?)%*@*&/#L%+,)+@&*%& '()?"@+TB)()(O&IlO !-\dE+-\! iB2*_!Q>_!SW90C!/0*0&)_!i>@>_!'(7#032%*0_!;>_!G!5)B66)6_!=>!i>![+,-+^>!'! /+>@#)"&*%&)+<%(,)L@?)"+%(&*%&B@&Q@?>B,@*&*%&'()?"B"L[@&*%&B@&S+)<%#()*@*&*%&`>%+"(&/)#%(O&Ie ![-^_! ]dE.g>! "*02!1#'!1.*$#15&!$,!.4&!2.-'3! This study analyzed how expert psychoanalysts conceptualized Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), as it is described in DSM-IV-TR (2001). Potential GAD´s defense mechanisms, predominant anxieties, and etiological factors were explored; as well as psychoanalysts’ conceptualization on GAD´s diagnostic validity and possible underlying structure. There are current debates regarding GAD´s psychopathological understanding and diagnostic validity that represent a challenge when identifying how different theoretical frameworks, such as psychoanalysis, conceptualize generalized anxiety phenomenon (Juan, Etchebarne, Gómez Penedo, & Roussos, 2010). This study focuses on analyzing the way in which the psychoanalytic tradition, that historically reject descriptive diagnostic manuals such as DSM, approach this condition, given that many patients in psychoanalytic treatments could be potentially diagnosable as a GAD case. Thus, studying the psychoanalytic conceptualization of GAD could help to address the gap between psychiatry and psychoanalysis in the conceptualization and treatment of these patients, as well as enrich the knowledge regarding GAD and anxiety in general terms. Further details about this study are presented in: Gómez Penedo, Etchebarne, Juan, & Roussos, A. (2013). =&.4$'2! 10 Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with certified expert psychoanalytic psychotherapists from Buenos Aires exploring their conceptualizations about GAD. A Spanish guide (Juan, Gómez Penedo, Etchebarne, & Roussos, 2012) for conducting Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) (Hill, Thompson y Nutt-Williams, 1997) was used for the data analysis. ;&2-5.2!1#'!'*2/-22*$#! GAD was generally related to Freudian classical notions of anxiety neurosis (Freud, 1895/2001) and anxiety hysteria (Freud, 1909/2001). Also there was a generally trend to relate GAD with insecure attachment and primitive anxieties. Although participants typically considered that GAD did not present main defense mechanism as other pathologies, they related it to primitive defense mechanisms and even considered that worry, GAD´s main feature, could be conceptualized as a non-effective
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