Open Door Review III


F)0M0%_!H>_!5$7#(0%_!=>_!H$99$D#)::0*_!H>_!'%*6(_!i>_!F)#<030%_!A>_!H):92**_!'>_!V0((0%!i>_!G!a)%(#)::_!S>![+,-P^>! '660*($2<6!):!1647#)2*2<4($7!1%)7066!2*&!7#2*D0?!#)Z!72*!Z0!$*Y06($D2(0!(#0!*0B%2! ?4&!a-(*/4!723/4$.4&(1%3!A&-($*01Y*#Y!>.-'3! This ongoing study investigates changes in hemodynamic activation patterns using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) in depressed patients during psychodynamic psychotherapy. An individualized research paradigm is employed which reflects specificities of every patient’s single case and focuses on feelings associated to maladaptive interpersonal behaviour patterns. The fMRI findings of this individual research paradigm are set in relation to clinical findings generated from a large set of psychodiagnostic assessments. >.-'3!H&2*Y#!b/,B!:5$+!G41(.c!

! Treatment groups include psychodynamic psychotherapy (PPT) (n=20), cognitive behavioural psychotherapy (n=20), body-centered psychotherapy (n=20) with a control group of matched healthy participants (n=20). Testing will take place before and after psychotherapy (max. after six months), with controls being tested within the same time frame. Apart from the fMRI examinations, participants will pass psychological testing including an OPD-2 interview, a standardised clinical diagnostic interview (mini DIPS, Diagnostisches Kurz-Interview bei Psychischen Störungen [ Diagnostic short interview for mental disorders ] , Margraf, 1994) and a series of questionnaires. Primary outcome measures will be hemodynamic activation differences between conditions during fMRI examination



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