;*7 The following inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied: (1) PDT according to the definition above was applied, (2) RCT, (3) reliable and valid measures for diagnosis and outcome, (4) use of treatment manuals, and (5) study of specific mental disorders. Studies examining the combination of psychodynamic therapy and medication were not included, however, concomitant medication in both treatment arms was allowed. We collected studies of PDT that were published between 1970 and September 2013 by use of a computerized search of MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Current Contents. The following search terms were used: (psychodynamic or dynamic or psychoanalytic*) and (therapy or psychotherapy or treatment) and (study or studies or trial*) and (outcome or result* or effect* or change*) and (psych* or mental*) and (RCT* or control* or compare*). Manual searches in articles and textbooks were performed. In addition, we communicated with authors and experts in the field. @,,*/1/3!2.-'*&2!$,!7H?!*#!2%&/*,*/!0.15!'*2$('&(2! A total of 47 RCTs providing evidence for the efficacy of PDT in specific mental disorders were identified and included in this review. These studies are presented in Table 1. Tabelle 1 0 ![//^ Q(B&4 O$6)%&0% 8)912%$6)*!S%)B1 8)*701(!):!// "%02(90*(!OB%2($)* H&%(&22*)&!'*2$('&(2 F2%30%!0(!2<>![+,-+^ @2j)%! &01%066$)* .- /#2%927)(#0%214?!!!!!!!! 0 !ì!.. AB3)%6M4 +,!6066$)*6 /<2703)?!a!ì!., -g!Z00M6 8F"?! 0 !ì!-b F2%M#29!0(!2<>! [-\\g^ O%$0660*!0(!2<>! [+,-P^ @2j)%! &01%066$)* @2j)%! &01%066$)* -b Q#21$%)!2*&! L$%(# b!Y0%6B6!-g!6066$)*6 8F"?! 0 !ì!-g]! --d &0!i)*D#0 -g!6066$)*6 8F"?! 0 !ì!Pg S2<<2D#0%E"#)916)*! 2*&!Q(0::0*![-\\]^ @2j)%_!9$*)%!)%! $*(0%9$((0*(! &01%066$)* P, @2**_!5)60! 2*&! O0<@206(%) -gE+,!6066$)*6 ;*(0%*0(EDB$&0&! 60<:E#0<1q! Q$ -,!Z00M6 i)#2**6)*!0(!2<>! [+,-+^ @2j)%! &01%066$)* O46(#49$7! &$6)%&0% ]g Q(B7(B%0&!QB11)%(?!!!!!!!!! 0 !ì!]g @2<2* -.EP,!6066$)*6 @2$*2!0(!2<>![+,,.^ -, QB11)%($Y0!(#0%214?!!!!!!!! 0 !!ì!-, K2($*D!<$6(?! 0 !ì!+. L
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