King's Business - 1915-02

B o o k s W o r t h W h i l e

S ome Add i t i on s Tha t Ought to be Made to Your L i b r a r y Dur ing 1915

1. The Return of the Lord. By R. A. Torrey, D. D. Paper__ 25c An optimistic book dealing with the truth about Christ’s return, containing a solution of all our politicaland so­ cial problems. 2. The Antichrist. By Mrs. Geo. C. Needham. Paper______25c This book contains the entire history of Antichrist from his origin to his end. Also his various names and per­ sonalities. 3. Christianity and Anti-Chris­ tianity in Final Conflict. By Samuel J. Andrews. Cloth...$1.50 A timely message for this generation. A book which will save many a preacher and student from the false optimism of the times. 4. The Second Coming of Christ. By Len G. Broughton, D. D. Cloth j|—............______ _____ 50c This volume will give the reader a clearer vision of the prophetic truth and a more intense realization of the blessed Hope. 5. The World’s Approaching Crisis. By C. L. Scofield. Pa­ per ------------ --- ------------------ 10c A recent lecture given by Mr. Scofield which has some things to say about

the present conditions of the world politically and socially. 6. The Mark of the Beast. By Sidney Watson. Cloth....___.._75c The desire of the author has been to further startle and awaken careless, ill taught professing Christians by giving some faint view of the fate of these professors who will be left be­ hind to go through the horrors of the Tribulation. 7. In the Twinkling of an Eye. By Sidney Watson. Cloth,_..75c A book dealing with the near lcmm of Christ, in the form of an interesting story. Special emphasis is laid on the Jewish side of the subject. 8. Signs of the Times. By I. M. Haldeman. Cloth..._______ 75c A volume composed of several ser­ mons preached in the First Baptist Church of New York City. 9. The Apocalypse. By Joseph A. Seiss. 3 Vols. Set_____ $1.80 These lectures form the foundation for all study of the Book of Revela­ tion. 10. The Real Cause of the Pres­ ent World-Wide Unrest. By T. P. Douglas. Paper................5c A pamphlet dealing with the troubles of the human race today.

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