King's Business - 1915-02



but resentful, emotions. In the weeks following letter after letter came from students filled with gratitude for faith confirmed. Here is a sample: “I am taking the liberty of. writing you to express my deep gratitude for your words in support of the creative the­ ory. Our professor of biology has denied the supernaturalism of Old Testament events. Our professor in philosophy unqualifiedly pronounces his adherence to the evolution theory. Our professor in political science and sociology has taken us through Gid- ding’s works without the slightest at­ tempt to repudiate it. My father, who was a preacher, and who died seven years ago, had instilled into me a simple faith in the Scriptures and I was loathe to even consider such a reversal of his teaching. But course after course made their im­ pression, and I found in me two irre­ concilable doctrines, with the result that I discredited both; but your arguments have led me back into the simple faith in which I was formerly instructed, and they have made a last­ ing impression in my life, for which I shall be ever grateful. I am presi­ dent of the senior class and speaK- not alone for myself, but for many of my associates as well.” One cannot help thinking, however, of the multitude who are thus set adrift, and no man reaches them in time to save. Do you remember what Schiller, in his “Philosophical Let­ ters,” represents a certain Julius as writing to Raphael? It is apropos of many a student’s life, and many a pro­ fessor’s influence: “You have robbed me of the thought that gave me peace. You have taught me to despise where I prayed before. A thousand things were venerable in my sight till your dismal wisdom stripped off the veil from them. I saw a crowd of people streaming to church. I heard their enthusiastic devotion poured forth in

leash on the lusts of life; that in “the new teaching” marriage is not so sacred as the liberties of love; that life itself is not to be hedged in by ethical rules—imagined to be moral only because they have back of them some centuries of standing. Bolce’s article, “Blasting at the Rock of Ages,” has been berated; but, as yet, the professors named and the great universities indicted have taken no pains to dispute the veracity of his statements. The simple truth is that “modernism,” in so far as it obtains in our educational centers, is an anes­ thetic to the nerves of morality; a quieting potion for quickened con­ sciences, and, in many an institution, we fear, a deadly poison to immortal souls. It is a departure from the “faith” that dooms. Between this school of “Science” falsely so-called, and that of “Science” properly defined and understood; between modernism and orthodoxy, there is a width of the whole heaven; and between them there is also a challenge to war. One hesitates to enter the battle, for he needs not to be a prophet to see the end. The twentieth century will either witness the survival of Christianity, or see it crucified as effectually as was its Founder. And every teacher in the land, and every student of the schools, will take his place with the Church and with Christ, or against them. Neutrality is opposition! The words of Jesus again have their awful significance: “He that is not with me is against me.” Recently I was delivering a se­ ries of addresses on “The Authority of the Bible.” Hundreds of students and many professors from a great university heard them. The majority of the faculty and the great body of students had cheered them to the echo! Certain men, however, of that same faculty had endured with silent,

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