King's Business - 1915-02



tinue to the end in one supreme ef­ fort to lead them to Jesus. God has wonderfully blessed my labors among them, and for this I am glad and thankful. I have placed thousands of Bibles and Testaments in homes that never even had a line of God s pre­ cious word before. I have organized Sunday schools and churches in the effort to meet my people’s need and train them for Christian servce. I have seen many hundreds sweetly saved, and year after year the work widens, and deepens, and moves on. I cannot stop so long as all these are still unsaved. Many hundreds are still pleading for preaching, for Bibles, for Testaments,' gospels, good books and tracts. Their needs must be supplied—these must be brought to Jesus. Friend, if this booklet should fall into your hands, will you not kindly offer one prayer to God for me, and for this great field in which I labor? Study God of grace. The Bible is the sure way of life, wisdom and blessedness. Biblical study is the most exten­ sive of all studies, for its themes are the central themes which are inextric­ ably entwined in all knowledge. Into its channels every other study pours its supply, as all the brooks and rivers flow into the ocean. The study of the Bible is a study for men of every class and occupation in life, for all the world. No profound scholar in any department of investigation can avoid the Bible. Sooner or later his special studies will lead him thither. The Bible is an ocean of heavenly wisdom. The little child may sport upon its shores and derive instruc­ tion and delight. The most accom­ plished scholar finds its vast extent and mysterious depths beyond his grasp .—Biblical Study.

the Western district, I went to my room after the solemn service and sat down alone to think and pray. _I thought of all the many thousands in this great field who were without min­ isters or churches, and who were without God and without hope in His Son. As I thought my soul was stirred, and on my knees I gave my­ self to God for service in this field where my entire ministerial life has so far been spent. During all these years through joys and sorrows I have continued in the Home Mission Field. Opportunities have come to enter other fields of labor, but I have felt that God would have me remain here, and here I have been content to remain in obedience to the will of my Lord and Master. The people among whom I labor are dear to my heart because of my long service among them. I know their awful need, their hopes and fears; and if the Master wills, I am willing to con­ Biblical B IBLICAL study is the most im­ portant of all studies, for it is the study of the Word of God, , . . a Divine revelation of re­ demption to the world. Nowhere else can such a redemption be found save where it has been derived from this fountain source or from those sacred persons, instructions and events presented to us in the Bible. The Bible is the . . . . source of the Christian religion, Christian theology and Christian life. While other sec­ ondary and subsidiary sources may be used to advantage in connection with this principal source, they cannot dispense with it, for the Bible (alone) presents the revelation of redemption; the Messiah and His Kingdom are the central theme ; its varying con­ tents lead by myriads of paths in con­ verging lines to the throne of the

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