King's Business - 1915-02



out as proposed. For the present there seem? nothing for the Syrian Mis­ sion to do but stand still and await developments. The missionaries are apparently in no danger of physical harm. We must recognize, however, that they are close to a great confla­ gration and that the fire may spread. Under conditions such as have been outlined, one can recognize the delicacy of the position in which the Mission stands. A false move might be fatal to the work. On the other hand, the environment of distrust, deceit and wickedness furnishes a wonderful background for those whose privilege it is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Syrian Mission is not discouraged, but is waiting, apparently knowing that in His own good time God will give the desires of the heart. Lovers of Syria will join in prayer both for her and for the missionaries. SITUATION draw his aba (or cloak) close about him and turn aside in the walk, or draw to the further side of the horse- car. It is the practice of foreigners today in all the bazaars to handle the goods for sale, the shop-keeper no longer thinking the goods thus han­ dled defiled and unclean. During tne last year a party of Americans were conducted through the outer court of the largest mosque of the city. There is no great danger to the missionary or native Christian in declaring the claims of Jesus, the Son of God. “Dr. Sa’eed Khan, shortly before returning to Hamadan, from whence he had fled for fear of his life, preached one Sunday in the mission chapel to a large audience of Per­ sians on the doctrine of sin and the need of a Saviour. It was less than ten years ago that Mirza Muhammad

as tramways, water works, gas com­ pany, electric light plants, as lawful plunder, all of which 'have been, brought into existence and developed by foreign money. These predictions might not be realized, but the aboli­ tion of all these Capitulations which have been built up through three and a half centuries to curb the spirit and demands of fanatical Moslem power might work considerable loss to our religious and educational enterprises, and inflict heavy property losses, and might possibly bring the lives and persons of foreigners into jeopardy. In spite of the unrest and uncer­ tainty, the Mission reports that the schools are reopening, that up to the time of the war scare they have never had so many applications for admis­ sion, that the warring sects in Syria had shown no disposition to hostility and that their plans for emphasizing the evangelistic work in co-operation with the college were being carried THE PERSIAN P RIOR to the entrance of Turkey into the European war, condi­ tions in Persia were unaffected by the gigantic conflict, save in the one point of the disarrangement of the mail service; otherwise the work was progressing quietly, schools and hospitals as crowded as ever and the door to evangelistic work among the Mohammedans wider open than it has ever been, as a report from the Te­ heran Station vividly illustrates: “What wonderful changes have slowly but surely taken place here in the capital since the death of Henry Martyn, a century ago! The former universal bitter denunciation of for­ eigners as Christian dogs has become less frequent, as has the feeling that all foreigners are unclean. Occasion­ ally now one may witness a green turbaned gentleman dramatically

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