King's Business - 1915-02

International Sunday School Lessons Exposition and Practical Applications By R. A. T o r r e y Outlines and Suggestive Points By T . C. H o r t o n Ruth 1 :6-18. (Commit vs. 16, 17.) G olden T e x t : “ T h y people sh all be m y people, a n d th y g o d m y G od ."— Ruth. 1:16. DAILY BIBLE READINGS Monday, February 1.—Ruth 1:1-10. (The Lesson). Tuesday, February 2.—Ruth 1:14-22. (The Lesson). Wednesday, February 3.—Ephesians 6 :l-8. Honour thy father and thy mother. Thursday, February 4—Deuteronomy 30:15-20. A time of decision. Friday, February 5.—Joshua 24:14-25. A wise decisions. R uth C hooses th e T rue G od .

FEBRUARY 7, 1915.


Saturday, February 6.—Luke 9 :18-26. Denying self for Christ. Sunday, February 7.—Psalm 145:9-21. God’s universal care. INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF RUTH

The Book of Ruth furnishes us with a picture of the family life of one home, show­ ing us on the one hand the failure of Elime- lech, and on the other the faithfulness of Boaz. The contrast is striking. OUTLINE. I. Ruth returning with Naomi, typify­ ing decision for Christ. II. Ruth meeting Boaz, typifying meet­ ing with Christ. III. Ruth visiting Boaz, typifying rest in ■Christ. IV. Ruth married to Boaz, typifying union with Christ. and the warrior'side of any age is its worst side. v. 6. “ T h en she a ro se w ith h er dau gh t­ ers-in -la w th at she m ig h t retu rn from the cou n try o f M oab." Naomi should never have gone down into the land of Moab. Famine in the land of Israel was no suffi­ cient excuse for Elimelech to take his wife and sons out of the land of promise into a land under God’s displeasure and

S u b je c t : H ow Ruth, the Moabitish wo­ man, came to be an ancestress of David, and through David, of the Messiah. W r ite r : Unknown. Tradition ascribes it to Samuel, and there is no good reason why he should not have written it. T im e of W r it in g : P ro b a b ly about 1100 B. C. T im e of t h e N ar r ativ e of t h e B o o k : Sometime during the period of the rule of the Judges, perhaps near to the time of Gideon (1200-1250 B. C.). N ote : Remembering the anarchy that characterized the period of the Judges, see Judges 2 1 :25. The story of Ruth is one of the most beautiful ever told in any language. Its liter­ ary beauty has been admitted by many who take no interest in its spiritual lessons. The story belongs to the time of the Judges (v. 1) ; and from it we get a far more pleasing view of the time of the Judges than we do in the book of Judges. The book of Judges presents to us the warrior side of the times; Ruth the pastoral side;


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