King's Business - 1915-02

THE KING’S BU S IN ESS Voi. 6 FEBRUARY, 1915 No. 2 A Notable Christmas Card F ALL the Christmas cards that we have received this year, none I t has impressed us so much as the following from Dr. John Balcom I f Shaw: “Our Christianity is being challenged this Christmastide as —.---------- never before since the angels first sang their Gloria in Excelsis. This stupendous war belies the spirit of the Advent, and proclaims the wide­ spread absence of that good will which Christmas signalizes and should conserve. Our Great Leader’s advance is being halted. Our very religion is at stake. Who would dare to be self-indulgent or pleasure-centered through days like these? Altogether intolerable seems the conventional and flippant; the call for self-denial and service imperative. Let all who are jealous for the honor of their Lord and would prove themselves true to His Holy Cradle walk softly, gravely, steadfastly, through this Sacred Week, and seek by its chrism and schooling to step across the boundary of so somber a New Year with a firmer hold upon the unseen world and an unwithholding devotion to Him who is the Prince of Peace and the aloqe hope of a sad and torn humanity.” The Christ Who “Came in the Flesh” and Who is Coming Again in the Flesh HE central truth of Christmas time is, of course, the Incarnation, B p ^ g th e great fundamental truth that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1 :14). It was in view of this great truth that the angel on the first Christmas morn said, “Fear no t: for, behold, I bring you good tidings ot -great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is bom this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.” But this first coming in the flesh points forward to-a day of still greater joy to all people when He shall come again in the flesh, come again personally, visibly, bodily (Acts 1 :11). We rejoice in the Christ who came once in the flesh in the olden days in Bethlehem but we rejoice still more that He is coming again; coming again just as He went, that in like manner as the Apostles saw Him going into heaven, we shall see Him coming for us from heaven to save us in the fullest and completest sense, to fashion anew the body of our humilia­ tion that it may be conformed to the body of His glory (Phil. 3:20, 21). His first coming in the flesh was prophesied centuries before He came, and the prophecies were fulfilled to the very letter. His second coming has been just as clearly prophesied and these predictions too will be fulfilled to the very letter, and when that day comes, and indications are multiplying that it will come soon, it will be the gladdest day that this old world has seen.

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