King's Business - 1915-02

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AT HOME a n d A B R O A D

bers in Natal, South Africa. The Congre­ gational Board, which has been in that field seventy-five years, has 6000 church mem­ bers, 4000 school children, 100 day schools, besides three boarding schools,' normal school, theological seminary, industrial work and hospital, and has given the people the Zulu Bible. A n appeal for 1,000,000 nickels from 1,- 000,000 Sunday school pupils for 1,000,000 Testaments for 1,000,000 soldiers in Europe is being made throughout this country by the World’s Sunday School Association, American section. Souvenir bookmarks are offered each giver. These may be secured by superintendents in any quantity from the association offices, Metropolitan Tower, New York. D an C rawford is at present visiting New Zealand, and has been given quite a recep­ tion. It is reported that in practically every city he has visited the Lord Mayor has come out to greet him. At Wellington, the cap­ ital, the Prime Minister welcomed him offi­ cially. The men’s mass meeting which Mr. Crawford addressed, and to which he ex­ plained his African work, is said to have been as great as the greatest gathering ever held in the capital. R eaders of the Bible will find there the explanation why the Jewish problem cannot be solved by schemes to colonize any coun­ try other than Palestine. Palestine for the Jew is the only key which will fit the lock. The vast influx of Jews into their own coun­ try during the last few years suggests that the solution of the problem may be very near at hand. Neither the opposition of enemies nor the kindly assistance of poli­ ticians will divert God from His great pur­ pose “they shall dwell in their ownland.’

T he C hina I nland M ission reports 28,- 000 communicants and 90,000 adherents. Its income for 1913 was $450,000. These re­ sults are the fruits of the prayer of faith. J. Hudson Taylor, the founder of this great mission, had the Lord of the Harvest alone for his helper. T here is an interesting bit of news which has come across the water from England. It is to the effect that two grandchildren of David Livingstone, Dr. Livingstone Wilson and sister, have recently gone to Central Africa as missionaries of the United Free Church of Scotland. I t was a sweet and touching spectacle a few days ago, to observe the smiles rippling over the face of a little “untouchable” girl of nine, who had been blind with cataracts since babyhood, when, after an operation, the bandages were removed, and she found that she could see.— Medical Missionary. A ll but two in a hundred Bibles sold in 1913 in Java were bought by Mohammedans, who purchase more Bibles than any other books. They read a gospel or epistle or prophet and then apply to the colporteurs for another Scripture. Khu Chiang Bi (a Chinese) sold them 12,800 copies during 1913. T hey recently had a “Go-to-Church Sun­ day” in Pekin, China, and made special ef­ fort to get non-Christian students out. Be­ tween 150 and 200 of them are believed to have then heard the Gospel for the first time. What is most needed is a Go-to- Church Every Sunday effort both in Amer­ ica and China.

T here are about 60,000 Zulu church mem­

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