King's Business - 1915-02


158 tion we may rest assured that there will be no more pogroms.— The Jewish Chronicle. A t the annual meeting of the New York Bible Society, which was held in the past week, the General Secretary, Dr. George William Carter, presented the •annual re­ port, which recorded the large distribution of 326,146 volumes of the Scriptures in forty-seven languages during the year. During the year the society has furnished over 10,000 Bibles to 372 hotels of the city. Within three years the society has furnished a total o f,more than 33,000 Bibles to 542 hotels in New York. Almost every hotel in the city has been supplied with Bibles by the society. During the year 180 institu­ tions, including homes, hospitals and pris­ ons, have been supplied with the Scriptures. More than one hundred missionaries have been engaged in the work. I n the province of Shantung there are 67,000 pupils of both sexes and all grades under instruction. One in every nine of these is in a mission school—a tremendous proportion. According to Mr. Burt, in the Chinese Recorder, the missionary leaders of this province believe in giving education mainly to the children of Christians. “W e ho n estly believe th a t by deliberately lim itin g o u r ed u catio n al efforts to th e large an d grow ing C h ristian com m unity w e are really serv in g C hina b e tte r th a n by sp read in g o u r energies over a w id er area. O ur aim is to tra in up an d send fo rth in to every w alk of life as m an y m en an d w om en of stro n g c h a r­ a c te r an d co n secrated sp irit a s w e can handle, an d w e know th a t in th e you th of th e C hurch w e h av e enough m a te ria l to ta x our u n ited reso u rces to th e u tm o st.” M e . H . J. H e in z , of Pittsburgh, chairman of the World’s Sunday School Association, will head the party of American Christian business men who are to tour South Amer­ ica on the “Kroonland” in the interests of organized Sunday school work. The party sailed from New York on the 21st of Jan­ uary, intending to stop at Havana and Kingston, then, passing through the Panama Canal, will sail down the west coast of

South America, stopping at the chief sea­ ports to hold conferences with missionaries and native workers on Sunday school aims and methods. At Valparaiso, Chile, they will leave the vessel and go by rail across the Andes to Buenos Aires, Argentina, avoiding the sail around Cape Horn and gaining tima for a longer stay in Argentina and Uruguay before rejoining the ship for stops at Brazilian ports. F rom A ntw erp the Rev. A . Mair, of the China Inland Mission, writes: “On a re­ cent trip our colporter happened to walk into a temple which was inhabited by beg­ gars. One beggar bought a Gospel, and ap­ peared much interested in the colporter’s message. He could read, and seemed a very intelligent man: indeed he was the chief of the beggars in that region. Every night he came to our services, and his heart seemed really touched by the Spirit of God. One thing was certain: he did not come for ma­ terial advantages. We invited him several times to have his food with us, but he re­ fused, saying: ‘I want to know the doc­ trine ; if I eat your rice, the people will be­ lieve that my object in attending the ser­ vices is false.’ One night he said to me that he had heard the gospel once before. ‘Did you believe it then?’ I asked. ‘No, I did not know the way,’ he replied, ‘as I had not a book. Now I have a book, and the way is plain.’ ”— “The Bible in the World.’’ L ord R oberts ( “B obs ” ) on M issio n s . A t the present time when the whole nation has mourned .the death of Lord Roberts, it is worth recalling a letter that he privately ad­ dressed to army officers in conjunction with two other distinguished Generals on the subject of missions. “You will most cer­ tainly come into contact with the represen­ tatives of various Christian missionary so­ cieties,” said this communication, “whose special work it is to show to non-Christian peoples the love of the Christ whom we pro­ fess to serve. We commend these mission­ aries to you as a body of men and women who are working helpfully with the Gov-

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