King's Business - 1915-02



says they are unreal knows he utters that which is absolutely false. I f the men who vote for saloons had to furnish the boys to fill them, every town would go “dry.” The wettest “dry” town is drier than the driest “wet” town. Any law looks blue to the man who want.; to break it. For every dollar spent for education America spends six dollars for drink. The only good side of the saloon is the outside. “An open saloon is a thing to be toler­ ated only so long as it cannot be prohib­ ited.”— W. J. Bryan. T here was a small, under-witted but faith-filled lad in this country at the time of the great meteoric shower of November, 1833. When, on every side, men and wo­ men were that night in terror at the thought that the hour of final doom had come, this lad’s mother aroused him from his sleep with a cry: “Sandy, Sandy, get up, will you? The Day of Judgment has come.” In­ stantly the boy was alive to the call, and was on his feet shouting, “Glory to God! I’m ready.” In that court no superficial professions will pass muster; we must be ready and watching. T hey would not play with me at school And as I older grew, I was debarred from social ranks—• Because I was a Jew. Last night I drank my bitterest pain, When, of all people, you Turned from me with the self-same taunt—: “Because you are a Jew.” King of the Jews, despised of men, . Forgive Thy chosen few; And when I meet Thee, love me, Lord, Because I am a Jew. —Ethel Hunter, in Immanuel’s Witness. A little maiden once came to Mark Guy

eral rate over a period of forty-four years. Applying this mortality rate to a company of abstainers where the average age is '35, $3.03 could be deducted from the premium for every thousand dollars insured. “I asked the New Year for some motto sweet ; I asked and paused; he answered soft and low, ‘God’s will to know.’ “Will knowledge then suffice, New Year? I cried; The answer camé, ‘Nay, but remember, too, God’s will to do.’ “Once more I asked, ‘Is there no more to tell?’ ‘Yes; this one thing all other things above, God’s will to love.’ ” T he little sharp vexations, And the briars that catch and fret, Why not take all to the Helper Who has never failed us yet? Tell Him about the heartache, And tell Him the longings, too; Tell Him the baffled purpose When we scarce know what to do;

Then leaving all our weakness With the One divinely strong, Forget that we bore the burden, And carry away the song. .

—Phillips Brooks.

R egardless of the insane statement that there is no matter and no pain, the fact remains, matter is the creation of Almighty God, and pain is a real and physical entity. The man who denies it, is either insane or premeditatedly dishonest. The man who de­ nies the existence, of pain, perhaps, does so because of insanity, or to cover the mur­ derous deeds of his pagan creed or for the purpose of preying upon the credulity oi hypochrondria,cs to fill his coffers with blood money. He who denies pain, sickness, suf­ fering and death is. a pagan. The man who

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