King's Business - 1915-02



heaven, or do you want to go back and take the band off their eyes and let them see their doom?” “I want to go back.” Then he awoke. But that dream made that man who had hitherto been uninter­ ested in missions f a missionary both with his money and with his influence. C hrist ’ s countrymen said: “Only the carpenter’s son.” The chief priests and scribes said: “Away with this man.” The multitude called Him “a gluttonous man and a winebibber.’ Judas admitted that he had “betrayed in­ nocent blood.” The centurion testified that He was “a righteous nlan.” Pilate called him a “just person,” and found “no fault in him.” Pilate’s wife also said He was “a just man.” Herod found in Him “nothing worthy of death.” The thief declared: “He hath done noth­ ing amiss.” W hat ? Lost your temper, did you say? Well, dear, I wouldn’t mind it. It isn’t such a dreadful loss— Pray, do not try to find it. ’Twas not the gentlest, sweetest one, As all can well remember Who have endured its every whom From New Year’s till December. It drove the dimples all away, And wrinkled up your forehead, And changed a pretty, smiling face To one—well, simply horrid. It put to flight the cheery words, The laughter, and the singing; And clouds upon a shining sky It would persist in bringing. And it is gone! Then do, my dear,

forth with a long list of our indebtedness in his hand. He lifts it up, where God and angels and men may see it, and then as the nail goes through his hand, it goes through the bond of our transgressions to cancel it, forever “blotting out the handwriting of or­ dinances that was against us, which was contrary to us.” He “took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.”— Selected. “O il in their vessels with their lamps” (Matthew 25:4). There lies before me, as I write, one of the common Eastern lamps, the point blackened by the flame which lighted the footsteps of some maiden of old. I have just measured the capacity of this lamp with a graduated measuring spoon. It holds hardly two tablespoonfuls. To this is compared the small capacity of the Chris­ tian life for storing up grace in preparation; hence the need of very frequent replenish­ ing. The wise virgins carried oil vessels along with them, the foolish virgins carried none, or, if they had vessels, with them, carelessly had no oil in the vessels. It is a foolish Christian who cuts himself off even for one day from the source of supplies for the Christian life, the Book and the closet. This lack of storage capacity in the Chris­ tian life is the underlying but ofttimes over­ looked significance of this parable.—Prof. Kyle. D. L. M oody used to tell of a man wiio dreamed he died and went to heaven. One day, an angel came and lifted him up and told him to look through a window. He looked out and the angel said to him: “What do you see?” “I see a great dark world.” “Look again, and see if you do not see something else.” He looked again and saw in the great city, the place where he had lived. “Look again.” He looked again, and the angel said: “What do you see?” “I see people right around my home, blindfolded, falling over precipices.” "Do you want to stay here and enjoy

Make it your best endeavor To quickly find a better one, And lose it—never, never!

; — Harper’s Young People.

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