King's Business - 1915-02

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shall have with us for the whole month Dr. W. B. Riley, of Minneapolis. Dr. Riley is well known to lovers of the Bible as a strong, forceful teacher and preacher. Other men of national reputation have been in­ vited, including Dr. John McNeill and Dr. L. W. Munhall, and we anticipate a year of feasting on fat things. A joyful Christmas was spent by the students that remained in the School during the holidays. On Christmas Eve some forty of our young people boarded a sight-seeing truck, singing Gospel songs and Christmas carols on the main streets of the city. At 6:00 o’clock Christmas morning the Christ­ mas carols were sung fronm our balcony. Two decorated Christmas trees were wait­ ing for us after breakfast in the students’ social hall, and a present was found there by Santa Claus (Daniels) for every student. The two fireplaces with blazing pine gave warmth and cheer and added to the pleas­ ure of the happy throng. It was the first Christmas away from home for some, and the lonesomeness was banished by the fel­ lowship of kindred hearts. The morning was spent in out-of-door sports on the Nor­ mal School grounds adjoining our building, and the whole student body rallied for a turkey dinner. In the evening, a program consisting of music, recitations and games was heartily enjoyed. W.’s have their meeting, opening it- with an organization of probably two hundred men, singing songs which are parodies on hymns. The speaker keeps on talking until he has gathered hundreds around him, including a larger part of the -I. W. W. meeting, and is heard in the whole block. He is often in­ terrupted with questions which are always answered briefly, but authoritatively, from

hand for the registration. The nine o’clock hour for the first week was devoted to prayer, in fellowship with the evangelical prayer union of th e ,world. W e received a large number of new sub­ scriptions for the K ing ’ s B usiness during December. We expect this to be the banner year for the magazine. A good, many kind words from subscribers encourage us, and we shall always be glad to have suggestions that will enable us to make the K ing ’ s B usiness the best of its kind. D r . F rench O liver closed a very success­ ful evangelistic campaign in Bakersfield the last of December, and has been a welcome visitor at the school. This man of God has a wonderful message in his Gospel ad­ dresses, and is one of the safest and sanest evangelists we have ever heard. We could wish that it might be the plan of God for him to stay on the Coast for a long .time. The Program, for the Auditorium. We hope to be in our large auditorium in March. A. C. Gaebelein, editor of “Our Hope,” a well-known Bible teacher, will be with us on the seventh of that month. In April, we T HE open air meeting known as “Mars’ Hill” is held between First and Sec­ ond, on Los Angeles Street,- every Sunday night. This meeting is begun by the writer placing a small box about eight feet from the sidewalk, mounting same and commencing talking with no one present, but talking as though he had a thousand around him. Down to his left the I. W.

The Work at Mars Hill William Mullen, Superintendent

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