King's Business - 1915-02



Broadway, on Eighth Street, in front of the great Hamburger store, and is held every night, Sundays excepted. Come, there is always room for one more.

the Scriptures. Only a visit to Mars’ Hill, or the tower of Babel, can give one any idea of the tremendous need in open air worlc. “Babel” is just now between Hill and

The Work in the Oil Fields Ralph C. Isbell, Superintendent

T HE hand of the Lord is with us in bless­ ing, and the joy of new-born souls makes us forget that the hardships are many, and that men are oftentimes hardened and in­ different. W e closed our work for December with some blessed times. During that last week twelve hearts accepted Christ, and many more went forth with a determination to live clean-cut Christian lives. J ust one instance of the many blessed ones: Thursday evening, after the meeting had closed, two women accepted Christ. Know­ ing the husband of one of them and that he was not there, she was asked to bring him along the next evening. Friday even­ the Lyceum Club for a study of the Mes­ sianic prophecies. The girls are greatly in­ terested. One of them broke down in class and said, “O I wish you would pray for me that I might know the Truth.” Can you real­ ize just what that means to her? A sword coming into the home; loss of friends; mis­ understanding by those nearest; persecu­ tion ; broken hearts. She must know that it is the truth, for the cost is so great. Pray for her and for her sister, who also attends the class with her. W e are praising God for continued bless­ ing upon the Jewish work. The children’s class is still growing. We now have an en­ rollment of thirty-five, and an attendance the A N interesting class of young Jewish wo­ men meets each Tuesday evening after

ing the husband, after a hard battle with his will, turned himself over to God and was gloriously saved, and his face wore a new joy as he gripped my hand. Saturday even­ ing among the five who came forward, ex­ pressing a determination to live for Him who died for them, were two girls. I asked one of them what her name was, and she gave ^it, saying, “My Mamma accepted Christ, you know.” I couldn’t express my joy for the parents that their child had been born anew. The other little girl proved to be her sister, and she said, “All the family aré Christians now!” Tears filled my eyes as I thanked God for the wonderful joy of knowing that this family would find reserved seats for all four at the marriage feast of the Lamb. Thank God for a family religion.—2 Thess. 3 :1. “The sewing class of Jewish children, which meets at Mrs. Manson’s home on Wednesday of each week, gave its Christ­ mas entertainment December 30, at 3 :00 o’clock. Three gospël songs were sung by all the children and two recitals were given. The Misses Barnard very kindly added to the program and to the enjoyment of the children, by singing several short selections. At the close of the evercises, the folding doors were drawn back, bringing to view the Christmas tree, which was laden with bright ornaments and presents. After the chil­ dren’s first exclamations . of delight were silenced, the presents were distributed to each one. Through the kindness of some last week of twenty-five, all Jewish children. The following is a report by the young lady having the work in charge:

Work Among the Jews Mrs. L. Manson, Superintendent

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