King's Business - 1915-02



of the friends of the Jewish work, each child received a toy or a book as well as a handkerchief and some other useful gift. Mrs. Manson then gave a short talk to the children, explaining the true meaning of Christmas and Santa Claus, after which

Mrs. Wells closed with prayer. As the chil­ dren passed out, each one was given a string of popcorn and an apple. The effort of the workers was fully recompensed by the joy the children received.” The joy giver is a joy getter.

The Spanish Work L. H. Jamison, Superitnendent

TA URING the past year of 1914 the Gospel was preached 618 times to almost 30,000 persons; 126 Sunday School classes were taught; 679 house to house visits and 145 hospital visits were made ; about 60,000 tracts were distributed, 334 Gospels and 72 Testaments were given out, and 26 Bibles were sold; 264 have professed the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, many of whom are consecrated to God and are living and preaching the blessed Gospel here and else­ where. T he man spoken of in the December re­ port, converted through the reading of two tracts which we gave out at one of our street meetings, writes us from Kansas that he has lately met with persecution from other Mexicans, but that the Lord was with him and he was not afraid. He holds Gos­ pel meetings when fifty or more are present. He is working in a camp where there are more than 200 Mexicans working. T hree families who professed the Lord in Clearwater, where we have conducted Gospel work among the Mexicans during the last three years, have now moved to Im­ perial Valley. They write frequently asking for tracts and Gospel literature. We have sent them a number of Testaments and

Gospels, besides other Gospel literature. The Lord has been blessing their testimony there, and several have been led to the Lord through their labors. There are three or four young men in Clearwater who bid fair to be much used of God. They have been meeting with much persecution because of their stand for the Gospel, ¡but have been standing the test. They have been giving a good testimony, both by life and word of mouth. W e had a great open air meeting on the afternoon of Christmas Day. Several hun­ dred were present, and for a time the mes­ sage was Well listened to, but some anar­ chists came and stirred up the people and soon there was a great uproar. The very name of Jesus elicited an outbreak of jeers and hoots. Oh, the sadness of it all! And yet, many souls heard the message and could see the contrast between the Gospel and its fruits, and anarchy and its fruits. The old year was closed with one man taking Jesus for his Saviour, and the New Year began with five more, four men and one woman coming forward and boldly confessing the Lord Jesus before the hundred and fifty or more assembled. We hope this may :be the best year of the Mission’s existence. Pray for us.

The Extension Work Geo. W. Hunter, Superintendent

A 4 Y class work is reaching the few who -*• are connected with many of the churches in the several cities where I have openings for the exposition of the funda­ mental teachings of the Book of Books.

T he Lord is very definitely leading in the Church work at Los Altos, the continued interest in the exposition of the Bible mes­ sage is bringing together from forty to sev­ enty-five each Lord’s Day, and the work

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