King's Business - 1915-02



clear Gospel tracts, and the men here are interested and glad to receive them. Don’t forget thé work among the shops, but espe­ cially among the men in the car bars. Praj for a deepening interest among the men, and above all the convicting power of the Spirit of God. The time is short, for yet a little while and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry. prayer and the roll call, Mr. Harlow Par­ sons gave a compelling message from 1 Corinthians 6 :19, 20. At its close about fifteen girls signified their realization of past unworthy and incomplete following of their Master and determination to yield them­ selves for whole-hearted obedient service. Three expressed their decision to accept Christ as their personal Saviour. At four o’clock the roof garden was again the ren­ dezvous. With faces turned towards the setting sun all united in songs of praise. The fellowship of Lyceum Club supper and meeting and Mrs. Horton’s searching mes­ sage brought the crowning touch to the day’s joy and blessing. A bout a month ago, while calling on one side of the street, God directed my attention to a small bungalow on the opposite side of the street. I went over and was gladly ad­ mitted by a woman of middle age who was sewing carpet rags because, as she said, “she had nothing else to do.’’ After a friendly conversation with her I brought the conver­ sation around to the things of God and found this woman believed in the things of God, but she had not become a Christian be­ cause she was waiting for a feeling. The fact of faith and not feeling was brought to her, and she knelt and accepted Christ as her Saviour. She left the city a few days after. I did not report this case as I wanted to be sure she was in earnest, and to see if she would stand. Last week I called again and found her just returned and rejoicing in the Lord. She told me how God had been

ing wheye we reach about a hundred and fifty men has been somewhat interfered with on account of the rain as we are compelled to address them in the open. However, we took refuge in a convenient fire engine house, and just as soon as we began singing the crowd came running over and we ended with a splendid rousing meeting. We are distributing in this place hundreds of good, T HE Bible woman felt led by God to a beautiful Armenian girl and extended several invitations to the Lyceum Club, which finally availed to bring her. What a bless­ ing it is proving to this young woman, a stranger in our land, who was seeking an opportunity for Bible study, and is now an eager student at each Tuesday evening meeting. T he leader of the Girls’ Prayer Circle in a beach town high school last year became a Christian Scientist. So great has been the consternation caused by her departure from the faith that a Bible Class has been started for the purpose of establishing the other girls in the fundamentals. All mem­ bers come prepared to take notes. The boys in the same high school have now asked for a class. Recently their pros­ pective teacher and the leader of the girls’ class addressed a rally in one of the town churches.' After brief inspirational mes­ sages the work of the Bible classes was pre­ sented and a cordial invitation to member­ ship was extended to all. T uesday , December 29th, about seventy- five Euodia Club girls gathered for the long anticipated “Hill Meeting. ’ Nothing daunted by the fact that Tuesday dampness under foot forbade the expected trip to Eagle Rock Canyon, they assembled with radiant faces and eager voices in the Bible Institute roof garden for a picnic luncheon. At two o’clock all gathered in the Social Hall where, after the season of song and

Work of the Bible Women Mrs. T. C. Horton, Superintendent

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