
6C — September 13 - 26, 2013 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


C entral Pa

At the Excellence in Construction Gala warfel receives top honors for safety and seven project awards from ABC Keystone

EntRAL PA — Award along with six Awards of Ex- cellence and oneAward of Merit at the Excel- lence in Construction Gala. The gala and awards compe- tition is hosted by the Associ- ated Builders and Contractors, Keystone Chapter and the event recognizes contractors who performwork throughout central PA and the surround- ing areas. The Excellence in Construc- tion Safety Award is the high- est safety award presented to a local firm. Warfel’s re- C

cent achievement in being a recipient of the prestigious Platinum Level STEP (Safety Training Evaluation Process) Award from ABC National was a contributing factor to this ABC Keystone Chapter Award. The Excellence in Construc- tion project awards program is developed to honor innovative and high-quality merit shop construction projects. The winning projects are judged on complexity, unique challenges, completion time, workman- ship, innovation, safety and

cost. The Award of Excellence is the highest honor awarded by the Association for quality construction projects. With this Award, recipient firms may enter their projects for National recognition. Warfel received the Awards of Excellence for the following projects: - The RLPS Office Building – Lancaster PA - St. James Episcopal Church – Lancaster, PA - LG Health Heart Group Renovations, Phase II – Lan- caster, PA - Second and State Office Building – Harrisburg, PA (LEED Green Award) - Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Office Fit-Out – Har- risburg, PA - Kendal at Longwood Cot- tage Development – Kennett Square, PA Warfel also received an Award of Merit for: - St. Andrew’s School Sip- prelle Field House – Middle- town, DE Established in 1911, Warfel Construction Company pro- vides general construction and construction management services to clients throughout the mid-Atlantic states. n K&w Engineers and Consultants volunteer time

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HARRiSBuRG, PA — K&w Engineers and Con- sultants participating with the Greater Harrisburg Habi- tat for Humanity at their new Harrisburg Restoration Warehouse, located in the old Troeg’s brewery behind Cameron St.. The volunteers donated a few hours of their time to help with moving items that were donated to the Habitat. n SHown from left (top): Tom Wil- son (owner), Greg Dice, Jeff Shyk, Marc Kurowski (owner) (bottom): Matt Davis, Meg Wade, Adam Davis

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