2022 Vaccination Related Legislation
HB 47 , Edmonston (House Educa � on) Requires that any communica � on issued to students or parents rela � ve to immuniza � on requirements include exemp � on informa � on and an exemp � on form HB 413 , Fontenot (House Educa � on) Requires communica � on issued to students or parents about a COVID ‐ 19 vaccine requirement or certain other vaccine requirements to include informa � on about the authorized exemp � on from these requirements HB 600 , Frieman (House Health & Welfare) Provides for release of opt ‐ out informa � on to the public when state law requires a vaccina � on or immuniza � on HB 48 , Edmonston (House Educa � on) Prohibits the administra � on of vaccines on school property and at school ‐ sponsored events HB 427 , Amedee (House Educa � on) Prohibits the administra � on of vaccines to minors on school property and at school ‐ sponsored events (speci c to minors and does not apply to school based health clinics) Note: Impacts “any school within the state...schools, kindergartens, colleges, proprietary or voca � onal schools and daycare centers” HB 428 , Amedee (House Educa � on) Prohibits the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Educa � on and the state Department of Educa � on from recommending any vaccine or medical procedure HB 531 , Amedee (House Educa � on) Provides for civil remedies for a student who is denied entry into school because of immuniza � on requirements HCR 1 , Ivey (House Educa � on) Suspends provisions of law authorizing the exclusion of unimmunized persons from in ‐ person a � endance at schools and day care centers under certain circumstances HB 177 , Edmonston (House Civil Law & Procedure) Prohibits discrimina � on based on vaccina � on or immunity status HB 253 , Edmonston (House Civil Law & Procedure) Prohibits discriminatory prac � ces on the basis of vaccina � on status or immunity status Note: One is a cons � tu � onal amendment; the other is a statute. HB 54 , Bagley (House Criminal Jus � ce) Creates the crime of discrimina � on based on vaccina � on status HB 126 , Romero (House Labor & Industrial Rela � ons) Provides for unemployment compensa � on bene ts to claimants terminated as a result of vaccina � on status HB 353 , Romero (House Labor & Industrial Rela � ons) Provides for vaccine requirements in the workplace Employers to provide COVID ‐ 19 tes � ng op � ons at no cost to the employee SB 92 , Cathey (Senate Labor & Industrial Rela � ons) Prohibits employers from discrimina � ng against employees due to their medical history HB 232 , Edmonston (Passed in the House; sent to the Senate) Prohibits requiring vaccina � on veri ca � on or immunity status for certain transac � ons or for inclusion on a driver's license or special iden � ca � on card
HB 295 , Romero (House Health & Welfare) Requires that proof of COVID ‐ 19 an � bodies be treated and recognized as being vaccinated SB 2 , McMath (Senate Health & Welfare) Requires acceptance of a COVID ‐ 19 an � body test result in sa � sfac � on of any requirement for proof of vaccine HB 354 , Hodges (House Health & Welfare) Prohibits local governmental subdivisions from requiring proof of medical status as a condi � on of par � cipa � ng in a cons � tu � onally protected ac � vity HB 407 , Amedee (House Health & Welfare) Prohibits adding any vaccine with emergency use authoriza � on status to the list of vaccina � ons required for school and child daycare entry HB 424 , Turner (House Health & Welfare) Provides rela � ve to administra � on of immuniza � ons and vaccines by pharmacists and other licensees of the La. Board of Pharmacy HB 594 , Amedee (House Health & Welfare) Provides for rights of individuals to bodily autonomy and to make healthcare decisions (Excepts abor � on) HB 53 , Frieman (House Civil Law & Procedure) Provides with respect to autonomy in making personal health care decisions HB 640 , Wright (House Health & Welfare) Provides rela � ve to vaccines and vaccine ‐ related pharmaceu � cals produced with aborted human fetal ‐ derived cells or human embryonic ‐ derived cells HCR 3 , Bagley (House Health & Welfare) Repeals administra � ve rules of the La. Department of Health adding COVID vaccines to the state immuniza � on schedule and requiring schools to prohibit in ‐ person a � endance by certain unvaccinated students SB 29 , Cathey (Senate Health & Welfare) Prohibits discrimina � on against healthcare professionals and provides for protec � on of healthcare professional creden � als SB 37 , Fesi (Senate Health & Welfare) Prohibits denial of healthcare services based on vaccina � on status SB 58 , Fesi (Senate Health & Welfare) Provides rela � ve to privacy of immuniza � on status HB 535 , Amedee (House Insurance) Prohibits group health plan and life insurance policy issuers from denying coverage or o ff ering incen � ves based upon vaccina � on status HB 735 , Amedee (House Commerce) Provides rela � ve to indemni ed products SB 1 , McMath (Senate Jud A) Cons � tu � onal amendment to provide for freedom from discrimina � on rela � ve to immuniza � on status SB 11 , McMath (Senate Jud A) Prohibits discrimina � on rela � ve to immuniza � on status
J LA MED SOC | VOL 174 | SUMMER 2022 23
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