MISSION Tomaximize the revenue fromthePermanentUniversityFund (PUF) Landsbyapplying intensivemanagement, accounting, conservation and environmental programs, which improve and sustain the productivity of the PUF Lands, protect the interests of The University of Texas System and promote awareness and sensitivity for the environment.
2020 GOALS
Implement measurable initiatives that increase the next
Improve organizational effectiveness and depth with an emphasis on project management and prioritization.
Grow revenue and continue to formalize UL water business.
10-year pace of oil and gas development.
Continue to prudently lease land for renewables development where it provides the highest and best use.
Expand data management
Enhance environmental policy and culture for operating on PUF Lands.
capabilities across all areas of business with specific emphasis on predictive analytics/ forecasting for oil and gas and surface activities.
Mission & Goals
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