University Lands FY20 Annual Report


University Lands plays a key role in Permian Basin groundwater management. The PUF Lands’ geographic positioning over several of the region’s major and minor aquifers - coupled with University Lands’ long-term management horizon - necessitates that water use across PUF Lands be monitored and conserved. At the same time, University Lands works to promote prudent commercial opportunities and support the success of water-related commercial ventures on PUF Lands.

Reduce overall full- cycle water costs

University Lands monitors groundwater utilization by requiring all mineral developers to meter and report water sources from PUF lands and imported water. Collectively 635 operator owned water meters and 11 water import meters are reported monthly. Water revenue increased 41% year-over-year. In 2019 UL initiated a ground water import fee to encourage produced water recycling and maintain water market share.

Reduce traffic, infrastructure issues

Better for the environment

QEP Import Water Meter – Andrews County

Improve the sustainability of O&G development

Texland Great Plains Water Meter – Andrews County

Better for the people of West Texas


Surface Management

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