HFL 11x17_Wave Goodbye to Hand and Arm Pain

Seasonal Recipe: Pumpkin Soup

Outside the Office...


• 1 cup chopped onion • ½ tsp chopped fresh thyme • 1 clove garlic, minced • ½ cup heavy whipping cream • 2 tsp black pepper

Many of you know that clinic owner, JoAnn Keller, is an active equestrian rider and competitor. This year she achieved a long-time goal of competing in dressage competitions at the Grand Prix level! She earned a Gold Medal - a milestone award from the national association for earning scores at Grand Prix and the levels leading up to it. She has also won the Regional Championship in October and is qualified for a national championship which will take place in 2021. She has partnered with a horse named “Cupcake” for this adventure and loves sharing scratches, carrots, and sugar cubes with him during their training adventures.

• 6 cups vegetable stock • 1½ tsp salt • 4 cups pumpkin puree • 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley

DIRECTIONS: Combine stock, salt, pumpkin, onion, thyme, garlic, and peppercorns. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer for 30 minutes uncovered. Puree the soup in small batches (1 cup at a time) using a food processor or blender. Return to pan, and bring to a boil again. Reduce heat to low, and simmer for another 30minutes, uncovered. Stir in heavy cream. Pour into soup bowls and garnish with fresh parsley. Recipe Courtesy: www.allrecipes.com/recipe/9191/pumpkin-soup

Hand Exercise Helps to Relieve Wrist Pain

Patient Spotlight

Sit or stand with good posture. Make a fist, flex your fist up. Repeat 6 times with each wrist. WRIST FLEXION www.simpleset.net

“They walked me through each step of our sessions, giving me all of the background information to understand why we are doing what we are doing.” “ JoAnn and Kari have been wonderful. They walked me through each step of our sessions, giving me all of the background information to understand why we are doing what we are doing. It is nice to have a clear set of home programming exercises to improve my range of motion and skills.” - J. S.

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