Exhibitor Registration Brochure


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Influencer LIVE combines the largest gathering of industry professionals at Equip Expo and the conversational elements of an interactive podcast into one action-packed space. Influencer LIVE provides attendees with a high energy and engaging atmosphere to hear (and meet) the influential voices that have inspired them to grow and

Thursday, Oct. 20 8:00AM - 9:30AM Event Center

invest in their business. Hosts: Naylor Taliaferro, Paul Jamison, and Caleb Auman


Gather with Equip Expo attendees for a candid conversation with contractors working in the field. This motivational discussion will be hosted by some of the industry’s leading voices, who will give their first-hand perspective on everything from marketing, hiring, sales, and purchasing. Hosts: Brian Fullerton, Mike Andes, Blake Albertson and Paul Jamison

Thursday, Oct. 20 2:00PM - 3:30PM Event Center


(800) 558-8767

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