Imperial - Engineering Manager

DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION As a leading institution in the heart of London, Imperial College proudly upholds a longstanding commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. Valuing the diversity of our community is one of the four cornerstones of our recent strategy and we further inclusion and equality through numerous formal and informal practices across our institution.

Why embracing equality, diversity and inclusion matters: In order to ask the right questions and come up with the useful answers we need to harness the best minds across the broadest perspectives. Our community therefore needs to be diverse, inclusive and based on equality. Embracing equality, diversity and inclusion is not simply a matter of complying with the law, though clearly we are bound by its provisions. Nor is it simply a matter of social justice, though as a public institution it is absolutely right that we should strive to be representative of the society we serve. Nor is it an alternative to traditional notions of excellence. Rather, our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion recognises the fact that excellence comes in many forms. If Imperial is to thrive in a world that has never been

Our aim is to embed equality, diversity, and inclusion into all of our work at Imperial. We take pride in our declared mission “to achieve enduring excellence in research and education in science, engineering, medicine and business for the benefit of society.” This reflects our civic role as a repository for knowledge and culture, as an institution that fosters independent and critical reflection, and as an agent of positive societal change. As a university, we are defined by our community of staff and students. Therefore, we will only succeed in our mission by cultivating an environment that respects, supports and celebrates all the people who come to Imperial, enabling them to enrich the world and their own lives through work and study.

positive member of our community. • Set priorities for the leadership behaviours that are important to our staff. • Build a culture where positive behaviour is recognised and rewarded, and poor conduct is addressed. • Support our community to develop the confidence and skills to demonstrate our values effectively. • Provide a platform from which to improve our working practices and culture continuously.

more diverse and interdependent, and to play its full part in advancing social progress and mobility through research, teaching, clinical practice, entrepreneurship, outreach and public engagement, we must become more cognisant of the benefits that will flow from moving equality, diversity and inclusion to the heart of our institution. Developing our Values Imperial is committed to creating a positive and inclusive culture for all staff and students. Through the embedding of our Values, we will: • Create clarity and consistency about the standards of behaviour we expect from all members of our community. • Raise awareness of what it means to be a developing-our-values/

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