Imperial - Engineering Manager

OUR STRATEGY REFRESH Shaping our vision and ambition for Imperial in 10-20 years time. Imperial College London is a world-changing global powerhouse that is truly distinctive. We have tremendous strength and focus on business, engineering, medicine and science. We are known for innovation, entrepreneurship, impact and societal benefit; and we are based in London, one of the greatest cities in the world.

Imperial’s staff, students and alumni are making the world healthier, smarter, safer, more prosperous and more sustainable. But, in a rapidly changing world, what is our ambition for the next two decades? If we are to maximise our potential as a force for good in the world, serve as a powerful catalyst for the UK’s future success; and continue to compete successfully in the top tier globally, we simply cannot stand still.

To be launched in early 2023, Imperial’s new strategy will set our vision and ambition for the next two decades. It will guide our major decisions and position us to grasp new opportunities. And it will inspire others to join us, partner with us and invest in us.

For further details on our Strategy Refresh click the following link here .

‘It is precisely because of the recent tectonic shifts in our world that it is an opportune time to take a fresh look at Imperial’s strategy’ President Hugh Brady

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