Maize Booklet 2025

Vizura ® Enhancing the value of your slurry and digestate

Slurry and digestate nitrogen losses

Introducing Vizura ®

Market Leading in Cropping Interventions It All Starts with the Soil...

Significant amounts of nitrogen are lost during and after the spreading of slurry and digestate. The nitrogen can be lost to the atmosphere as ammonia and nitrous oxide, or through nitrate leaching. Losses are dependent on environmental conditions post application, such as soil moisture content, rainfall and temperature.

Vizura® is a nitrification inhibitor for use with slurry and digestate. Vizura® keeps nitrogen in the ammonium form for longer, reducing losses and optimising plant nutrition.

Improves nitrogen use efficiency Increases yield Reduces nitrogen losses

How Vizura ® works

Vizura ® reduces nitrous oxide emissions

Slurry containing Vizura ®

Nitrosomonas bacteria







Our highly qualified agronomy team offers a blend of science and practical experience, ensuring that your farm benefits from maximising the performance of your farm.

Vizura ® inhibits the activity of the Nitrosomonas bacteria, thereby stablising the ammonium

The slurry introduces ammonium into the soil

Vizura ® reduces nitrate leaching

Vizura ® slows down the conversion of ammonium to nitrite by inhibiting the action of the Nitrosomonas bacteria. Vizura ® reduces both nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions and offers nutritional benefits to the crop.

Nitrosomonas bacteria convert the ammonium from slurry and digestate into nitrite. Nitrobacter convert the nitrite into nitrate, which can then be lost through nitrate into leaching, or to the atmosphere as nitrous oxide emissions.

Free customised fertiliser recommendations, soil testing & interpretation Full agronomic services of all crops you grow SFI and other environmental support

Dose rate


Spring dose rate: 2.0 l/ha Autumn dose rate: 3.0 l/ha

Add into the main slurry filling line or into the suction hose For optimum performance, it is important that Vizura ® is evenly distributed throughout the slurry or digestate.

For more information, visit Vizura contains DMPP. Vizura is a registered Trade Mark of BASF.

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