King's Business - 1941-05

KB 188

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

May, 1941

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE


Unusual opportunity. Full or Fart Time. Establish yourself as Headquar­ ters for Bibles, Testaments, Religious Publications. Ration-wide demand, right now, for Zipper Bibles—Testaments; Beautiful White Bindings appropriate for Grad­ uation, Birthday, Wedding Gifts—Sew U. S. Army Zipper Testaments. Ex­ clusive publisher — World Famous “Hurlbut Story of the Bible”—“Life of Christ.”—“Sew Marked Bible.” Big Discounts to Distributors. Write for full details about samples, large catalog, circulars. Act quickly. UNIVERSAL BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE 1009 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pa.

Dr. Marshall P. and Mrs. Welles (Helen L, Antisdale, ’29) have been serving in Ichowfu, Shantung, N. China, under the Presbyterian Board of For­ eign Missions. In February they wrote from Shanghai en route to the Philip­ pines-, where they expect to continue their study of Chinese at a summer re­ sort to which the Peking Language School plans to transfer some of its teachers and students during the unrest in the Far East. Dr. and Mrs. Welles have two little sons. The mail address is P. O. Box 214, Baguio, Mountain Province, P. I. Don D. and Mrs. Turner (Faith Hol­ lingsworth, ’21), Las Delicias, Caripe, Venezuela, S. A., members of the Orin­ oco Riv*r Mission, tell of spiritual vic­ tories i the work at Caripe in spite of difficulties. In December Mr. Turner was quite seriously injured in the leg by a horse’s kick, and even yet- he has to carry a reduced" schedule of active work. Varied Service Elwood and Mrs. Foy (Mary Frances Hixon, ’34), Route 2, Box 128A, Escon­ dido, Calif., are helping with Child Evangelism classes and are working among the young people in their home church. They have two daughters and a son. Mrs. Kenneth R. Morgan (Martha Holloway, ’31), 620 S. W. 13th Ave., Apt. 3, Miami, Fla., was graduated in August of 1940 from Wheaton College with the degree of Bachelor of Science. She has been serving as a case worker with the State Welfare Board, in the Miami area. On returning to Miami after her years at Wheaton, Mrs. Mor­ gan resumed the teaching of her class of young married women in her home church, the Westminster Presbyterian Church. The class numbers about fifty. [Continued on Page 205]

Lectures on the Bible Lands Fuad and Mrs. Saadeh (Gudrun C. Estvad, ’24), 9767 Wilshire Blvd., Bev­ erly Hills, Calif., have been presenting outstanding programs of lectures and music for church and civic groups in Southern California. The themes of Mr. Saadeh’s lectures deal with either Bib­ lical subjects or present-day problems in the Near East, where he and Mrs. Saadeh conducted a guest home in Da­ mascus, Syria. Before the outbreak of the European war, Mr. Saadeh was the of­ ficial Associated Press correspondent for Syria. Mr. and Mrs. Saadeh had many contacts with the educated classes of Damascus and found opportunities to bring these friends in touch with leading Christian workers who visited the Holy Land and neighboring regions. Mrs. Saadeh, who is a cpncert violinist with exceptional training in both America and Europe, accompanies Mr. Saadeh on the lecture engagements. She is a pri­ vate music instructor in violin at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Saadeh can be addressed at their home or in care of the Institute, at 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. In Distant Fields Lelia Bascom, B. Chr. Ed. '40, and Minnie L. Wallace, ’35, sailed April 4 from New York for Venezuela, Miss Bascom going for her first term of service under the Orinoco River Mis­ sion and Miss Wallace returning after furlough. Miss Bascom’s mail address is to be Casa Evangelica, Quiriquiri, Vene­ zuela, S. A. Zoa Shaub, ’28, sailed on February 26 to return to her station, Marcala, Hon­ duras, C. A., after furlough. As during the latter years of her previous term of service, she will be the only foreign worker at the mission station. She is affiliated with the California Friends Churches.

A Worthy Investment MULTNOMAH

SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE Interdenominational—Evangelistic 703 N. E. Multnomah Portland, Oregon Dr.. B. B. Sutcliffe, President Rev. John G. Mitchell, Vice-Pres. Rev. Simon E. Forsberg, Dean

Standard Three-Year Courses Intensive Bible Instruction Write for School Bulletin

NO HELL HERESY Six great teachings that try to evade the truth of the Bible about eternal punishment are dealt with In the booklet Deliverance from Hell. Send a stamp and the address of a Christian friend and you will receive the booklet. Union Bible Seminary» Dept. 49A, "Westfield, Ind. GOSPEL SOUND FILMS Souls are being saved* Church and Sunday School attendance is Increasing, revivals are taking place, people are giving more, with the help of The Scripture Visualized sound films. 12 films already available. You may arrange for preview of a film to convince yourself of the results. Write us today. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS (Dept. 5) 325 W. Huron St. Chicago, III. Y O U W I L L B E I N T E R E S T E D in our 150-page Catalog of Church and Sunday- school Supplies, Religious Fiction, Bibies from 40e to $18; Testaments from 10c to $5. Plaques. Re­ ligious pictures, Gifts, Rewards, Items for special occasions. A TITHE OF OUR INCOME GIVEN TO MISSIONS Write for our ¿Catalog B E T H E L P U B L I S H I N G C O . Elkhart 1819 So. Main St. Indiana IM PORTAN T PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION By James H. Tbdd A sane, satisfying study of fundamental law* governing .scriptural structure, of certain signifi­ cant facts determining its precepts, ot its precise use of words, and of various vital distinctions that make for harmohy of its parts. An applica­ tion of these “Principles” makes the Bible a new book to many. 30 cents. Bible Institute Colportage Association 810 N. Wells St. Chicago, IIL


7:30 P.M. 6:00 P. M. 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M.

SUNDAY, June 1 MONDAY, June 2 TUESDAY, June 3

Baccalaureate Service Alumni Reunion Dinner

Faculty Dinner to Graduates Junior-Senior Party

Senior Recital Class Day Exercises


Faculty Reception to Graduates Commencement Exercises


graduates will be welcome at the bac­ calaureate service, the class day exer­ cises, the senior recital, and the com­ mencement exercises.

The alumni reunion dinner Is open to all graduates and former students. The general public as well as friends of the


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