Folding Organ. Patented in U. S. A. and o t h e r countries. Famous the world over for fifty years.
• Sweet tone • Astonishing yolume • Easily carried. • Inexpensive Suitable for Missions, Camps, Sunday Schools, Homes, etc. Write for descriptive folder and prices. BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO ., INC. 1114 McLean Are., Dept. K, Chicago, III. For CHILDREN'S D A Y in Church and School. Send for FREE 32-page booklet of music for programs and descriptions of Pageants, Cantatas, Dramas, etc. Two new programs, DOVE DIVINE and STORIES OF JESUS—10c each. Send 25 cents for HELPER NO. 27 . . . more than 100 recitations, songs, special features1. The RODEHEAVER HALL-MACK CO. Suite 759, 124 N. 15th St. Phila., Pa.
THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY Founded 1 2 5 Years A go . . the only agency in the country solely devoted to making the Bible the least expensive and most widely distributed book in the world. Thousands of men and women like these have helped to make this necessary Christian service possible and at the same time have helped themselves to enjoy a peaceful old age. Through gifts made to the American Bible Society on the Annuity basis, they know the con tentment of financial security in their declining years, realizing that by these gifts their Christian influence will live on through the Society’s ministry. As a holder of such an Annuity, you too can face the future fearlessly, confident that in return for any gift you may make, you will receive a generous check at regular intervals as long as you live. In the almost one hundred years of the operation of this plan, such checks have never failed. Let us send you a booklet entitled “A Gift That Lives!’ It tells you about the plan and how it works.
g ives Instant A p p e a l to S T A N D A R D B IBLE S T O R Y PAP ER S Children of all ages love color! , Standard full-color story papers will delight your Nursery, Beginner and Primary classes
(separate papers for eachdepartment) and give added interest to the lesson. F R E E Samples mailed to Sunday School leader or teacher on request. Also ask for Cata logue and samples of True-to-the-Bible lesson helps for all age groups. Give your department, name and size of school. Address Desk KB-5
MIMEOGRAPH SUPPLIES Churches, societies economize! Factory fresh, high quality, legal size stencils $1.85 quire. • Black Ink: GUARANTEED satisfaction or money refunded. 1-lb. $1.00; 3-lbs. $2.50. • Mimeograph Paper: Prices and samples on request. Immediate shipments, PREPAID. Send 10c for sample stencil, and be convinced. ALLENS, 120 Webb St., Weymouth, Mass.
I AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY Bible House, 57th St., New York, N. Y. I enclose $5 for
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| I I enclose f l for sub-
Annual Membership I— I scription to The Record Please send me booklet KB*9, “ Gift That Lives”
O / J ^ P I P E - T O N E U P H O L D IN G ORGANS . . . the LAST WORD in substantial, convenient folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance a n d purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. Grand Ave., Chicago
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